I’ve had trans reports in the past when I was a supervisor (TBF, the world was a lot different). Two things that I’d recommend:
Continue being a good lead and treating them with respect, using their preferred pronouns, etc. Intervene gently but firmly if there is inappropriate derogatory stuff going on in the workplace.
If possible, I’d get a 1:1 meeting with them and outright ask “Do you want to talk with me about how current events are impacting you and anything that I can do to ensure that you feel supported?”. If they say “no” or aren’t comfortable, ensure that they know that that’s ok and that the offer is there.
As a disclaimer, I am neurospicy so, there may be gentler ways to approach but I have found that clearly and directly communicating that genuine support is there, if they need it want it and giving them a way to ask is generally well-received.
Been there for most of my life. And I’ve watched anti-electoralists and non-voters help walk back nearly every bit of progress I’ve seen in my lifetime.