Donald Trump's own fans are begging the former president to change course as Vice President Kamala Harris now reportedly leads him in seven national polls.
Trump late Thursday night bragged that one of his endorsed candidates, Bobby Harshbarger, prevailed against incumbent Sen. Jon Lundberg in t...
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I like how they are finally beginning to realize their “super stable 11D chess playing genius” is actually one of the most dumbfuck politicians we’ve ever had. Something we all saw from day one. George Bush Jr. looks like a prodigy next to this guy.
It’s like I never wanted to forgive the GOP for George then they went and pulled a trump. It all makes sense now. W was the creme of the crop when it comes to the GOP. Literally the best thing they had going for them was that shit head.
Eh. GWB killed a million Iraqis out of greed and arrogance, Trump killed a million Americans out of ignorance and laziness, same difference really.
There were so many moments where I thought that’s what was happening and it didn’t.
He needs to lose and go to jail, and even then he will probably have thousands of followers left.
delicious delusional con tears…
LOL. I so laughed at this line. Some people are unbelievably clueless.
Republicans did that. Conservatives fought it every step of the way.
Republican in name only, or RINO. Republicans back then were the same as Democrats today in terms of policy which I find weird.
I know that. You know that. I’m not sure the dope you were quoting knows that.
They probably do know that, if they know enough to argue that. But they’re also clearly racist for thinking that helping historically oppressed groups is bad and obviously means we want to hurt the advantaged groups (zero-sum at best, but mostly likely projection).
Republicans used to be the urban pro-industrial party, democrats were the party of rural farmers.
Urban industrialists didn’t directly rely on slave labor so they were more open to abolitionists. Rural farmers were heavily dependent on slave labor so they were very pro slavery.
It’s also why the democratic party has always tried to get universal health insurance passed. The party is made up of farmers with law degrees, so the local Doctor, the only other educated man who it was appropriate to socialize with would come around a lot— so they were constantly hearing stories about how their friend had to accept chickens or food as payment instead of money.
popular consensus is that barry goldwater was a trump like populist presidential candidate that took advantage of american’s very strong disapproval of the civil rights & voting acts and dog-whistled the republican party into adopting its present day policy; do you not see it that way?
DYK, RINO was originally used to deride those who were not progressive enough.
Notice that while they’re posting on /r/conservative they don’t use the word “conservative” in that sentence. Because then they’d have to say:
They freed the slaves, but fly the Confederate flag because… um… It’s pretty.
I bet they also believe Democrats do nothing to help black people in recent times.
Which, to be clear, is true in many ways. Now apply the same logic to Republicans who bleat out “we were the ones who freed the slaves!”.
The best things conservatives have done for black people in recent times is being super wierd and thus keeping themselves out of power
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Nah bruh, your brain is just too liberal to understand why trickle down economics is actually great for the poors
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I haven’t laughed that hard at conservatives in a long time, good times.
Thanks to this I went browsing through that sub. These people are openly blatantly calling for torture of detainees in Guantanamo.
I haven’t visited that sub in years, mostly because it made me feel dumber.
But those comments are in weird contrast to what I used to see. I wonder if the veil is finally falling…that’d be wild.
It’s kinda funny watching them notice who Trump is for the first time while still being upset he might not win. There’s some comments that are effectively, “enough of the meaningless bullshit, just talk about policy and he’ll do better!” as if Trump ever had any attractive policies.
I believe last I heard they were trying to distance themselves from their policies because they realized in hindsight that they shouldn’t say them out loud.
They’ve been doing this for an entire year now. All winter and spring the meta was “we will all stay home if Desantis doesn’t get the nomination.” They all cringed pretty hard when Trump did his NFT scam.
But at the end of the day they are all intellectually dishonest cowards, so in the end they always just do the only thing they know - lick the boot.
It’s weird to see a contingent of vaguely relatively normal opinions over there, but of course they get decried as “librul brigading” by most of the cult/bots
that was very pleasurable to read; thanks for sharing.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, they’re making ads look like comments now???
Well that was certainly eye opening, and not in a good way. Begs the question of how the party has ever been able to unite such a diverse group of delusional and hateful people with out the whole group completely thunder-doming themselves.
They have a uniting principle:
“We deserve to rule, being the heirs of privilege. The world is not fair, and we will keep it that way so that we can be on top.”
Reactionaries see the democratization of rights as an assault on them; to them, rights are zero-sum. If someone else (especially a group they’ve coded as “evil”) gets a right recognized, they see it as a personal affront.
One can see this streak throughout history for the reactionary right: freeing the slaves, ending Jim Crow, women’s suffrage, same-sex marriage, etc.
I don’t think it’s even about ruling, it’s about needing to feel superior to . . . someone. Decades ago there was a wonderful article titled something like “Who Are You Better Than?”. It talked about how people who know they are not, and never will be, members of the ruling class desperately need groups of people they can comfortably point to as being “beneath them”. As long as they aren’t at the bottom they can feel good about themselves.
In the book The Reactionary Mind, the author argues that conservatives either need to be either able to strongly identify with the movement leader or to reserve a portion of that power for themselves as a paterfamilias or an owner of capital.
The majority of Trump voters couldn’t tell you what you mean by “capital,” let alone have any.
Not realizing that by being the kind of person who needs someone “beneath them,” they’re beneath all decent people.
It’s about class structure and who gets to rule.
What’s r/conservative?
Ah well, hand people an opportunity, and they’ll kick you for it.
A conservative minded community on Reddit
But what’s reddit, and why would anyone go there?
'Tis a silly place.
Ah yes, that rings a bell. 😀
It’s a silly place people go to, but without having any fun, if I remember correctly. 😜
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It’s a place where they claim to be conservative while taking credit for all the good policies conservatives have fought against tooth and nail for the last 150 years.
Sometimes people swing strikes in tee-ball too. I guess you just can’t expect everyone to take the easy lobs and run with them.
Reddit conservative sub
Thanks for putting me on to this thread, what a great sight
Can you tell us more detail so I don’t have to go there?
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Well I read it. I like how the one guy says “they baited him with dei, now everyone is talking about it”. Dude the right won’t shut up about dei, so naturally they asked about it. But sure, it’s bait. And only now everyone is talking about it. The delusion is unreal.