Are there any other terms. I’m just curious

  • Miku Luna \ she/it
    11 months ago

    I’m horrible at explaining, but if you are asexual for example, you can still fall in love with people, but not want to f*ck them. The other way around works too, say you’re aromantic, you can want to f*ck people, but not want to go into a relationship with them. For most people (afaik) romantic and sexual attraction are the same, for example, bisexual people are likely also biromantic. This is a very simplified explanation, hope it helps.

      11 months ago

      Hey, using asterisks here will put things in italics if you happen to enclose any text in between them.

      The quick brown fox *jumped* over the lazy dog.


      The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

      If you want to censor words, you’ll need a backslash.

      F\*ck this sh\*t, I’m out.

      will display as

      F*ck this sh*t, I’m out.

      but if you do not use the backslashes, you will instead get

      Fck this sht, I’m out.

      Also, aromantic people are the people who do not want romance. Romantic people do want romance.

    • sleepybisexualOP
      411 months ago

      Thank you for the explanation. I’m trying to learn more about the community