• cowboycrustation [he/him]M
    1 year ago

    That’s really funny, I thought the exact same thing when I learned about MTFs existing.

    Also, just because your voice is low doesn’t mean that it’s irredeemably masculine. I am a trans man, and way before my transition I had a voice that was comfortably in a male range. It’s not unheard of. My voice would still get read as female on the phone until I worked on my innotation and worked on speaking in a chest voice, then I passed quite well. Point is, you can get read as a woman with a low voice, you just have to alter specific things which is very doable.

    • Zorsith
      1 year ago

      It’s bad. Like, deep enough that I’ve had other dudes saying they’re jealous how deep my voice is, I worked service desk in IT and the number one compliment was the deep voice.

      I have serious doubts about how effective vocal training could be in my case. Typing this up reeeeaaally makes me realize how much my voice bothers me.

      • cowboycrustation [he/him]M
        1 year ago

        I recommend trying to figure out what your vocal range is. Aka how high your voice can go and how low. If you know that, you can see what you’ve got to work with. I highly recommend just trying vocal training. Record your voice before and after it and see if you like it better. Something’s better than nothing in a lot of cases. There’s a lot of resources for transfems on YouTube.

        Also, I’m pretty sure there’s a vocal chord surgery for MTFs. They’ll shorten your vocal chords so you get higher pitches (think about a guitar, the tighter and shorter the string the higher the pitch). You could look into that as well.