• @Zorsith
    4 months ago

    The cold is VERY welcome to me, I am constantly too warm!

    Edit: skin also feels less greasy/gross in general, particularly in the morning. Jeans especially are more comfortable, socks are so much easier to put on and take off (not pulling my skin).

    • @Blahaj_Blast
      24 months ago

      I did legs a couple times and ended up with tons of ingrown hairs or something else pimply and I’m still trying to get them all to go away, so I definitely want to avoid that next time. Feeling clothing or sheets on my legs was amazing though.

      • @Zorsith
        14 months ago

        Have not had issues with ingrown hairs yet with the electric razor, a brief attempt with a double-edge on my uhhh, “bits”, however seem to have had quite a few. Did not go very far with that attempt haha.

        Only started using an electric razor this time as I was getting so tired of hairs tangling in painful places. Historically electric razors haven’t even made a dent in my hair, so I guess I just had crap luck with good razors up until this point!!