(gift link, not mine)

  • @Kit
    204 months ago

    I’m OK with smaller houses. They’re easier to take care of, cheaper to maintain, and use less utilities.

    • Drusas
      104 months ago

      Smaller, absolutely, but are you able to visualize what 400 ft² looks like? Because I’ve lived in an apartment that was a little under 500 ft² and it was not enough for two people to live in anything like comfort.

      • LanternEverywhere
        4 months ago

        I lived in a 400-something square foot apartment with my girlfriend for a few years, and we were comfortable. We of course wanted more space, but we were comfortable.

        • Drusas
          44 months ago

          Most people require at least a modicum of privacy occasionally. In fact, even extroverts require that. It’s just not healthy to basically always be in the same tiny room with your partner.

          Also, I’m guessing neither of you had any sort of IBD. Because you really want a little space with that.

          • @Kit
            24 months ago

            The secret is to leave the house without your partner regularly. Each person should have their own social life so the other gets their alone time to recharge. Even things like going to the grocery store, walking the dog, or staying late at work helps in this scenario.

            • Drusas
              14 months ago

              Not sufficiently. Walking the dog takes like 5 to 20 minutes. People need more than that. Staying late at work? That’s just a terrible suggestion.

              • @Kit
                13 months ago

                I wasn’t suggesting that you purposely stay late at work to avoid your partner. I’m saying that it’s something that realistically happens.

                There’s also the gym, hobby shops, whatever you enjoy doing outside of the house. Staying attached to your partner at the hip is a horrible habit for long-term success.

          • LanternEverywhere
            14 months ago

            The bathroom had a door that closed, and when things were gonna be especially noisy we asked the other person to put on headphones. But the reality is that regardless of living space size, most people in long term relationships hear plenty of body noises from their partner and are generally fine with it.

            • Drusas
              14 months ago

              Yeah, but good luck if you both need to use the bathroom at the same time. 400 ft² is not enough for more than one person unless you are destitute with no other choice.

          • @stoly@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            We were just fine. In fact it took us time to adjust to a new place because we were used to being able to speak casually from any party to any other part of the house.

        • Drusas
          13 months ago

          It’s not about stuff, it’s about space.