I hope you know how lucky you are <3
I hope you know how lucky you are <3
Also a lot of legally blind people use the internet both privately and professionally and are independent people who don’t rely on their partners for everything.
It’s 2023/2024 and Steve Buscemi is now more attractive than Mickey Rourke
“Dark Histories” has some disturbing ones, as it is usually about strange events or Indeed murders, but the descriptions of the episodes allow you to weed through it, and leave those ones out.
I really enjoyed the ones about “Gef the mongoose” or the disappearance of the man who invented the first moving pictures. It goes deep into the history and times surrounding the stories which is very cool, so its main focus is history and society.
Why does this have so many down votes? Am I missing something?
Denmark checking in
I really mistrust any picture I see online now. It’s scary I think. I’m still not convinced about this one.
It’s the “hee, hee” I am pretty sure. I also automatically read it in a MJ singing voice.
The flower duet. Used in countless movies: https://youtu.be/8Qx2lMaMsl8?feature=shared
I am reading All the Lovers in the night. I am not sure what I think yet. It’s very well written, but I think I have to finish it to form a proper option.
On my long commute I usually listen to:
We can be weirdos: Dan Schreiber from “No such thing as a fish” interviews some interesting people about their odd (and often supernatural) experiences.
Dark Histories: A very thorough dive into a specific crime case or strange event from history. The host really goes deep into the subject which is cool.
No such thing as a fish: most people know it I assume.
Loremen: a little like Dark Histories, but on the funny side, about folklore and history.
My mate bought a toaster: people getting interviewed about their Amazon purchase history. It’s pretty funny.
The only real answer for me as well.
Oh my god, I loved Connections! It really was a great show.
But it’s not really comparable though, is it? I also happen to live in Germany. I work 8 hours, have to pay for my own 30 minute lunch break and have about 3 hours of transport a day, 1,5 hours each way, the days I go into the office. That makes a day of 11,5 hours only spend on work, not counting the hour getting ready before I leave, which I don’t really count as free time. There are no other breaks included in the day. I’m not saying that school isn’t hard, but when I went to e.g university I had a heck of a lot more time to explore my own interests than I do now. When I get home I have to make dinner for the family, empty the dishwasher, do the laundry etc. (and I share these talks with my partner) and I maybe have a good two hours of doing nothing before going to bed on weekdays. I would take school, with all the exams and what not, any day.
I never went to school from 7 to 19. Where do you go to school?
They were “shh” back in the day, but with time they have become more of a place for activity for the community. When I was a kid in the 80s and early 90s they were definitely more strict with keeping quiet, especially in the reading halls. Library history is actually quite interesting, and the whole development of the library as a key element in building and supporting democracy and community, is worth looking into.
I think he’s just a poorly drawn pickle :(
Go right ahead! Sounds interesting.
Welcome to your 40’s