
Not trying to blame anyone here. I‘m just taking an idea I‘ve read and spinning it further:


A lot of people use free open source software (foss), Linux being one of them. But a lot less actually help make this software. If I ask them why, they always say „I don’t have the coding skills!“.

Maybe its worth pointing out that you don‘t need them. In a lot of cases it’s better to not have any so you can see stuff with a „consumer view“.

In that situation you can file issues on github and similar places. You can write descriptions that non technical people can understand. You can help translate and so on, all depending on your skills.

Other reasons?

I‘d really like to know so the foss community can talk about making it worthwile for non coders to participate.

        • hauiOP
          26 months ago

          Wow. Great addition. Have a nice day.

          • /home/pineapplelover
            26 months ago

            The “woosh” is because we’re trying to point out that the average person probably doesn’t know how to use git cli and make coding documentation.

            • hauiOP
              16 months ago

              I knew that. I‘m saying just because the average person doesnt use it does not mean nobody uses it.

        • hauiOP
          06 months ago

          Yes, I did. The fact that people think their UI is already easy enough is a large part of the problem. Thats why we need easier ways of contributing.

          • danhakimi
            16 months ago

            Somebody told you that github was hard, and you said “but look at all these tools that make github super easy to use.” You are the people in the comic. Github is not easy for the average person to use. Github CLI is especially off-putting.