do you not smell body odor or do you just get used to it?

Genuinely curious. I have met a few people of different walks of life that I could tell did not and I have always used it, so I’m just curious. I know there was a couple that stopped using it for around a year, and they said their body actually end up not perspiring as much as when they used antiperspirant, but I’d like to know other people’s experiences.

  • ThatFembyWho
    10 months ago

    Oh is that why everyone flees when I enter a room?

    lol I would actually like to know how I smell to others. Gross, exotic… enticing? Assuming freshly showered and let’s say no scented soaps or anything. Just normal scent.

    My partner says not at all. The only thing that really bothers me is underarm odor, being transfem I feel like mine is a bit too masc, I need to reappy deoderant halfway through my shift at work.

    Also would like to know how my voice sounds to others…