I’m a heavy emoji user, texting is such a poor medium for communication, many times people get the wrong message, but with an emoji you’ll get an idea of the face I’m making, so less chance of misunderstanding

I noticed that every time I add an emoji to a comment it gets downvoted, so I tested my theory, wrote a comment without an emoji, got upvotes, went back and added an emoji, got downvotes…

On Reddit people use emojis a lot, on Lemmy I NEVER saw anyone use emojis, my account is new but still for the time I spent here, I never saw the use of emojis

So, is it just me, have you noticed this small detail ? and do you miss emojis the way I do ? 😭

  • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
    277 months ago

    This isn’t like Reddit, which is full of elite snobs thinking they are better than others.

    Emojis help communicating. I’m convinced it is the part written language has been missing since the dawn of writing.

    It is the difference between:

    “You are so amazing 😄”


    "You are so amazing 🙄 "