Trying to figure out if polls are an option here.

  • Gormadt
    241 year ago


    Proper preparation is required though, don’t just ram your dirty unlubed booger picker in there or you’ll have a bad time

    Personal recommendation is to trim your nails, wear gloves, apply lube, relax, and go slow

    Have fun, be safe, and remember the golden rule of toys: No silicone lube with silicone toys. Always check material compatibility before use.

    • asjmcguire
      11 year ago

      I mean, some prep is indeed required - but this makes it sound like you are about to have a medical procedure…

      • Gormadt
        21 year ago

        Different strokes for different folks

        For me ensuring that everything is easy to clean up is second to ensuring everything is done safely

        Having safe fun is better than regretting the fun later

        Plus if I can make sure no one has to waddle into the ER because of something they didn’t know then that’s a win.

        • asjmcguire
          21 year ago

          It is indeed a good idea to help people avoid requiring a visit to the hospital. Especially since many people will put off going in the hopes that the matter will resolve itself without outside attention.