Hi bees. I recently was looking around for info about hip growth and hrt, and read that it may happen, but even if then not really noticible. However for like a week now I feel my hips hurt, like substencialy and they give me trouble walking, stadning and stuff and even sleeping. And I am almost sure it is growth. But isnt it too painful? Should it be that way, and can I ease it somehow?


I have noticed that when I walk and sway my hips more it is less painful to walk, but it takes getting used to

Thanks in advace :3

      • Lexi Sneptaur
        19 months ago

        I can tell. Don’t let it make you do anything you’ll regret. Time is all you need.

          • Lexi Sneptaur
            19 months ago

            I mean, I remember when I felt exactly the way you’re feeling right now, and that it absolutely gets better. You will figure everything out for yourself and you’re gonna feel great. Just please… keep on keeping on. Don’t do any self-harm type things if you can avoid it. Rely on your support network. Remember that you’re super fucking strong and amazing too! It’s not easy being trans, and you’re out here being brave as hell. People often say that but they don’t really understand the weight. I do. I think you are gonna be just fine long-term.

            • Foidi | she/her OP
              19 months ago

              right now I am coping with my depresive states by weed and alcohol, but friends are getting worried about that

              • Lexi Sneptaur
                29 months ago

                Practice moderation. The alcohol makes your body suffer and that can possibly actually slow down your HRT.

                  • Lexi Sneptaur
                    19 months ago

                    That’s substance abuse, and a serious concern for your health. Practice harm reduction as much as possible, particularly with the alcohol.