Hi bees. I recently was looking around for info about hip growth and hrt, and read that it may happen, but even if then not really noticible. However for like a week now I feel my hips hurt, like substencialy and they give me trouble walking, stadning and stuff and even sleeping. And I am almost sure it is growth. But isnt it too painful? Should it be that way, and can I ease it somehow?


I have noticed that when I walk and sway my hips more it is less painful to walk, but it takes getting used to

Thanks in advace :3

  • Gaywallet (they/it)M
    39 months ago

    Are you DIY HRT or was it prescribed by a doc? If it was prescribed by a doctor, that’s who you should go to. If you’re DIY, that’s a more difficult question, but you should find a trans competent doctor.