I’m so fuckin happy rn. Gonna go shopping a bit more tomorrow I think. I took Elise’s advice and ended up going to a fetish shop, ended up only buying some stocking but I feel like I need more lmao. Did look around the city to see if any shops would kind of fit the bill (LGBTQ+ friendly, drag) but everything else was so public facing and I’m definitely not ready for that. I also checked local LGBTQ+ alliance page websites and there wasn’t anything listed in my city.

  • @Blahaj_Blast
    510 months ago

    Chica, you sound so much like me right now! Are you me?

      • @Blahaj_Blast
        310 months ago

        Let’s goooo!

        Seriously though, I already didn’t know how to meet people, and now the pool of people I want to meet got even smaller. I find support groups, but I’d like to meet more people who aren’t in the initial struggle stage you know?

        • VinceUnderReviewOP
          310 months ago

          Totally get that. Hard to explain but I feel like I might lost my connection I had to anything locally.