It would be way better to not have society be going through a moral panic about trans people at the same time I’m coming to terms with my trans-ness. I feel like I’d have to struggle with self-acceptance a lot less if I didn’t know that a large percentage of society hates me without knowing a thing about me. I don’t want to have to change out of my girl clothes or take off my makeup because I need to take my dog for a walk around the apartment complex, and I don’t know how my neighbors would treat a visibly trans person. I don’t want to have to worry about when the incongruity between my appearance and my passport is going to become a problem. (Setting aside that now for all my gender markers across documents to match, I can’t change any of them, and they’ll have to stay wrong). I don’t want to have to worry about losing friends or family or my job because I come out to them. I just want to live life being fully myself - what’s so wrong with that?

  • Zorsith
    16 hours ago

    Not too bothered by helpful/supportive.

    Dark red state (the major cities are kinda split, but still an uncomfortable amount of red) that more or less ran the state director of health out of office/town in the first year of covid.

    I’m… very noticeable in size/shape/hair/voice. Built like a large sack of grain wouldnt be inaccurate xD

    I’ve more or less resigned myself to the fact that I’m not likely to be happy here. Just trying to get my mental health together (using my currently pretty good insurance) well enough to be able to get a better paying job a significant distance away.