my friend, since she found out I’m neurodivergent and hyperfixate, went from really liking me to pretending to like me.

she used to really value me, but now she doesn’t because i have autism and she doesn’t. idk how to feel, she rolls her eyes at me, gives me weird looks, and will just stare at me at times when i say something like “how was your day?” w/o responding.

i understand that she’s a sophomore who’s friends with my friend’s younger sibling, but it still sucks at any age.

  • Aurora
    22 hours ago

    No, this is ableist. Disliking and disrespecting another person and treating them like they’re less than human when you wouldn’t if they weren’t autistic/you didn’t know they were is very discriminatory.

    What if it were another group? If they treated you this way because they were straight and you weren’t, or if you met them online and they found out you were black? That would be homophobia/racism, so this would be ableism.

    I’m sorry this happened 💕 💝