I am neuro-divergent. I struggle with remembering minutia that aren’t, coincidentally, just luckily the minutia that I glimpse, once, and never forget. I state this not as an excuse but as a statement of fact and I am terrible at remembering people’s pronouns. I cannot even remember people’s names. When I see people I know, I can remember who they are, what we have done together, where we have been, what we have seen and even the tone of voice they might use to exclaim at an occurrence or upon some eventuality but – yet – I often cannot remember their names. Pronouns are like parts of their names.

And, so, I tend to address everyone with “they” / “them”.

In my limited experience, this only tends to annoy the anti-woke conservative types who renounce the very concept of pronouns and believe that one should only ever be addressed as “he” / “him” – assuming that a penis hangs between their thighs – or “she” / “her” otherwise. (A musing: How do they know? Also, what if it’s cold? Or they’re upside down? Quandaries within quandaries!)

BUT… I am open minded and I can believe that others, too, might be offended by my cop-out, including open-minded, non-mysoginist, non-bigots who do understand why people elect to be addressed under non-Victorian pronouns.

I have recently had reason to pause and wonder about this. I struggle with pronouns but I do try my best and so, I’m asking: for which reasons might someone object? Tell me, LGBTQ+ community.

  • irotsoma
    1 month ago

    Yeah, I think of two sides to labels. One is how you perceive yourself and one is how you communicate who you are to others.

    For the internal labels, these are only useful to some people, and can change as often as you want, or you can chose to not use them at all and just be you. You decide. What they are useful for in my experience is self-discovery and helping you to decide how you want to present to others. So use them, or not, try them on for a while and see how it goes, switch them up. Treat them like trying on clothes at home. You can wear which ever ones you want, in whatever combination you want or just go naked. It’s your house/brain.

    External labels shouldn’t be assigned and if they are you should ignore them. Don’t let them affect who you are or how you behave or you just end up wearing masks. Now I say that with the caveat that masks are necessary in certain situations for safety or to preserve your job or whatever. But when you’re free to be you in public, ignore those assigned by others. Again, using the clothing metaphor, it’s like someone putting a hat on your head. It’s rude for a stranger to come up to you and do that. Now it may be that hat looks great on you and turns out you wear it the rest of your life. But someone shouldn’t put it on you, they should see that you might like it, hand it to you, and you decide to put it on or not. Same with labels. People can suggest a label, but should not try to assign one to you.

    Problem with social labels is that it’s not acceptable to go naked in many social situations. So you have to pick the ones you want or risk being forced to wear them. And in some situations, you will be forced to wear one without your consent. You just have to decide if it’s worth being in that situation or if you should leave. And the other issue is that changing labels confuses people, just like significantly changing your clothing style might if you go from wife-beater and jeans to goth cat girl. So it’s best to pick some base ones and then add on or make small adjustments as you go. There are lots of generalized labels like non-binary or gender-fluid that sound like might be a good starting point for you. Then you can add more specific ones later once you have internally tried them on for a bit or tried them on in safe spaces like with good friends who are open to it. Like starting out with a black tshirt and pants, then adding on a skirt or sweater later, you can add on something like demiboy which is a subset of non-binary and eventually get to more specific labels as you find them useful.

    And also, something I always emphasize to people is that gender and sexuality are not directly related and sometimes even romantic interests and sexuality are not necessarily directly related. There may be a correlation for the majority, but it’s not a direct relationship. So choose your sexuality, romantic, and gender labels separately at least the internal ones. Just realize that because language is weird, the most common romantic and sexuality labels are only meaningful when combined with a gender label (e.g. straight, gay, hetero/homosexual, etc), so it’s good to find that first, but not necessary. There are more gender neutral sexuality labels, especially in the ace spectrum, or ones that explicitly specify the target gender rather than specifying the relationship the target gender has to your gender, like gynosexual.

    And remember, we all change over time. Be flexible with yourself and don’t worry about what you felt like in the distant past, only today. Gender, sexuality, etc., are much more complex psychologically than simply a single chromosome like many bigots pretend. It’s mostly up to hormones and the way different parts of your body react to those hormones which can change over time from age, environment, diet, etc., not just your genes. Genes just set a starting point, and sometimes those get overridden before birth even. That’s why people with an X chromosome can be born with a vagina and all the other combinations.

    Hope that is useful. It’s a deep interest of mine because my own journey has been complex. So I enjoy info-dumping about it. Lol