For me it’s the fact that where I work the management don’t give a fuck about the staff and the fact that we got promised new equipment which we got but a week later they chained up to a rail so that only one shift can use it.

So let some steam off and talk about it.

  • Snot Flickerman
    1 month ago

    Hear, hear. That’s some bullshit.

    We’re about to enter an era where literally the only kind of thing that might work is a General Strike which is gonna mean people literally having to plan a month of eating very little because they won’t have income to buy fresh food. Packing stores of water in case your water gets shut off.

    It’s gonna suck real bad, but all these people are like “I want to get involved, but I’ve gotta go to work.” Motherfucker unless your job is literally saving the lives of people, your job can do without you. You can find another job. McDonald’s and Home Depot aren’t making the world a better place.

    Further, maybe we should all be bailing on these worthless jobs that aren’t contributing to society and instead give our skills to Mutual Aid Groups. Maybe our labor would be better spent on our communities rather than selling worthless plastic shit and unhealthy food back and forth to each other?

    You know how Amish communities get together to raise a barn for a neighbor? Yeah, that’s what we need to be fucking doing. The Amish suck in a lot of ways, but they understand that they have to pool their labor together to meaningfully take care of their community. We need community-driven Habitat For Humanity on fucking steroids.

    “We’ll still be expected to go to work during the apocalypse.” Yeah, only if you choose to bend over and fucking take it. You could also walk out of the fucking job because it’s the fucking apocalypse.

      1 month ago

      Getting another job at McDonalds or walmart would not help a general strike i think. Are you talking about after the strike is over?