Girls who’ve had difficulties getting/staying hard. What helped?

So I’ve been on estrogen for 3.5ish years, and projesterone for most of that. I’m about 2 years post orchi. I basically can’t top anymore, and I’ve got two partners that I would very much like to top.

I’ve tried Sildenafil Cialis in the past, which did basically nothing. Viagra had mixed results, but leaves a huge barrier to spontaneity. I’ve heard of some girls using topical testosterone creams or gels, but I’m a little afraid of getting other androgenic effects. Kegels haven’t done much good, but perhaps I just haven’t managed to do them consistently enough.

Have any of you had success with anything you’ve tried?

  • dandelion
    5 days ago

    Depends on whether OP has penile atrophy, without testosterone causing spontaneous erections every night while sleeping, the penis will atrophy and lose the ability to hold as much blood as it did before, so even if she can get it erect it won’t be as hard or hold as much blood as before. The cock ring will help keep the blood that can be held, but it may not be enough to be useful for penetration, if that makes sense.