I’m 50/50 on this one. It’s a cemetery website. Seems like it should mostly stick to who is buried there, and where. Ideally it would link out to some other government site with general information on the person. That could of course link to things like wikipedia or what not. Having notable graves makes it feel like a tourist attraction. And producing educational history material seems a bit outside their lane. Seems like there should be better sites with more experts to handle that.
I can’t imagine what the hellish mental landscape is like for someone so terrified of minorities and women that they would resort to trying to erase the contributions these men and women made in defense of a country that would one day do this to them.
I’m SO fucking disgusted to have to share my nationality with these sub-human pissfart clouds.
When the time comes for these people to shake their mortal coil, I hope that their fear is intensified a thousand fucking fold. They do not deserve the peace that others have earned for leaving behind a good life.
Honestly makes me wish there was an afterlife, which have them clarity to see how horrible and wrong they are.
They aren’t terrified. They want to oppress minorities and women.
And most importantly, the administration is attempting to signal to their base that they won so they get to act like they won.
Saying they are terrified gives them credit that they don’t deserve.
This isn’t fear. This is power.
They first went for trans people on the stonewall monument website. Now it’s lead to this.
We must stand up for each other and resist. If one group loses rights we all lose rights.
How long till they dig them up and throw them in a dumpster?
Losers and suckers, that’s what Trump thinks of every single person buried there in his own words, regardless of their identity.
He probably thinks it would make a nice golf course if only we weren’t so touchy-feely and weak.