if they were white…
hello! I’m Chloé, a nerdy ace trans gal :3
this is my lemmy account that I use sometimes. I am also on the microblogging side of the fedi at @carotte@toot.cat :3
pronouns are she/her
if they were white…
is the graphic supposed to mean something? it seems AI generated too…
yes you’re right, the new flag has a green top stripe and 3 stars
only when it allows you to do cheap gotchas on the right /s
je suis d’accord, mais faut reconnaître aussi que quand on parle de certains problèmes que l’immigration élevée empire (genre la crise du logement), 1. on en parle comme l’immigration c’était la seule cause, et 2. la seule solution qu’on trouve, c’est de la couper. jamais on parlera de construire plus, de contrôler le prix des loyers, d’endiguer les Airbnb, etc. en tout cas pas dans les médias de masse.
personnellement je pense juste pas que couper l’immigration soit une solution humaine du tout. je vois pas en quoi ces personnes auraient moins le droit de vivre ici que moi.
et puis, je pense pas que ça soit très pertinent pour cet article ou Bouazzi de mentionner “l’immigration est très haute et ça cause des problèmes”, considérant que pas mal tous les médias et politicien·nes parlent sans cesse de ça. et que la façon foireuse d’aborder le sujet contribue beaucoup à cette construction de l’Autre, justement.
parce que oui, on peut parler de l’immigration élevée sans blâmer les immigrant·es, mais est-ce que tout le monde va catcher la nuance? je pense pas, et honnêtement, je pense que c’est fait exprès
hitler did to europe what europe had done to the rest of the world for centuries
basically, someone online (usually a man) who replies to another person (usually a woman) in a condescending tone, or giving unsolicited advice, that sorta stuff
and when they do figure out the unintuitive UX, they’re met with an avalanche of reply guys and, if they’re Black, a fuckload of overt and covert racism that everyone else will ignore…
there’s a reason why most people on the fedi are white men in tech
only the queer community seems to have managed to carve itself a place on the fedi, and even it has big issues of rampant racism
i wonder why libs never apply this logic for Indigenous people on Turtle Island 🤔
i still don’t know how to feel about the “as a child, I yearned for the mines” line tbh
there’s a difference between making a bad UI and orchestrating a genocide, yknow
POV: you are a device which was thought to be wireless
well, that’s enough internet for today!
lmao, predictable
anti-white racism is not a thing. racism is a system of domination white people (or rather the people who would go on to call themselves white) invented to facilitate colonialism
and yes, white people are the only ones overwhelmingly supporting fascism because fascism’s main promise is to maintain (and reinforce) white supremacy and racism. it’s not hard to understand
right? all colonial states are illegitimate