My mirror is broken, it usually throws punches instead of hugs…
(I’m working on it)
My mirror is broken, it usually throws punches instead of hugs…
(I’m working on it)
Meget sigende hvordan kommentarer på forskellige amerikanske sociale medier knap handler om manden som er blevet dræbt, og mere om al den smerte forsikrings firmaer og hospitaler i usa påfører folk.
Men det er nok stadig billigere for dem at betale for sikkerhedshold end at hjælpe deres kunder.
Where does “it used to work, but now it doesn’t, and I don’t understand how it could ever have worked” fit in?
Uggh, those standards are so bad. I hope you are somewhat comfortable with your current setup.
Jeg er enig, men tænker at de fleste privatpersoner ikke tjekker om der er navneforbud før/efter at de deler.
Started by going through the official system, went diy after they went from treating me bad to horrible. And it honestly gave me a lot of confidence to not feel like I depend on those assholes anymore, even if I go back later. It still broke me a bit that I no longer trust doctors.
Maybe you can get a new assessment with a different doctor, if you still want that?
Kan være at de ikke vil have at hans identitet er kendt/har navneforbud så man ikke må dele billederne?
10 mænd midt på Hovedbanegården er nok bare ikke den mest diskrete måde at gøre det.
If you can afford it, it sounds like going to a therapist to unravel your feelings and possible trauma could be worth it. A good one will not tell you if you are trans, just help you along the way. If you can’t then some lgbt groups offer help to questioning people too.
You don’t have to rush it just because the vial might expire. Do it on your own time, experiment with other things (thought experiments, clothes…) if jumping to hormones is too much. Remember that it’s not a magic juice that instantly turns you girly, you can always stop if you feel weird on it.
Also, do you trust her this much? I’m a trans woman on DIY but I’m getting mine from a source I’ve seen other buy from and talk good about. You also need to spend some time researching doses and what blood tests to do first too.
I (mtf) bought a couple of summer dresses online which is a huge step because I haven’t allowed myself this kind of femininity yet, and now that they arrived I feel awesome instead of shameful!
Now I just need to figure out if I actually like them and how well they fit, I’m kinda funny sized in a way most fem clothes are not intended…
Lavede en side hvor man kan se udviklingen sidste år (i bunden er det et søgefelt).
2023 var egentligt ikke værst når det kom til sygeplejersker, i hvert fald ikke på nogle uddannelsessteder.
I kinda wonder og there’s a translation issue in the title because it looks kinda absurd, in a if it wasn’t sad it would be kinda funny way?
Hey lets invent 14 new gender identitets 😎
Here’s one without trackers that work in a browser
I helped a bit making the recording part 🤓
Sidder og læser en engelsk bog oversat til dansk, og fornemmer at oversætteren har haft det svært. Måske en hybrid mellem ordbog og opslagsværk så man også kan beskrive almindelig brug (oversætteren lavede Linux om til Linus, lad være med det!)
Jeg hjælper også gerne hvis der er noget jeg kan hjælpe med, teknisk eller med at skrive :)
Soon at 4 years of hrt and starting to feel a bit hopeless regarding how little it can change on my body.
But I got myself some cool clothes and I’m pretty proud that I’ve been able to start voice training again after COVID ruined all the progress I made last time!
Do what you need to feel comfortable, but they look fine from here :3
Efter sigende er det (bl.a?) den her scene som blev fjernet.