Bro is about to attack agent 127
Bro is about to attack agent 127
67? Why is it in black and white lol
Nope, weed stops all or most dreams for me if I fall asleep on the comedown, smoking during the day and I’m good
Only thing worse than paint is paint 3d
I can’t tell if you mean you slept face down or you slept with the tablet face down haha
Maybe etymological roots or whatever but most people mean they just like x thing so they are a fan of it
Fr I can’t figure out anyone that wants to be a European so bad but can’t bring themselves to lie lmao
With weed growing your own is super common, surprisingly that smokers don’t grow their own tobacoo
I have a very specific and weird sensation I think is related to aphantasia, a thread with traction is the perfect place to ask if anyone else has had this too. Sometimes when I am going to sleep I get a sensation like there are two amorphous blobs in my imagined 3d space. One gets bigger and the other gets smaller, but it’s on an incredible scale where one blob goes to the size of an atom and the other to the size of the sun. It’s really dramatic buy I usually enjoy it because it’s a cool sensation that’s unique. I think it’s associated with nicotine it happens more if I hit my vape within 30 minutes of trying to sleep. Please if anyone has this or simmilar experiences or any knowledge on it let me know, I’ve been tortured by this for years not knowing anything lol.
This makes me really curious if it’s a learned behavior, I’m pretty sure I was able to visualize when I was super young. One time I got absurdly high and I visualized something and I freaked out so excited that it was back lol. Only time I’ve visualized anything in past 15 years probably
Sounds like you have it yeah, I explain it like a blind person can tell the shape of something by feeling it, I can kinda feel the shape of an imagined object in my head but can’t see it visually. If you’ve never thought about it, most people can close their eyes and see vivid or somewhat vivid pictures like you would a photograph
Basically calling his question stupid lol
I find it simmilar, I try and let it wear off completely before going to sleep because I wake up groggy if I don’t. The biggest factor for me is how much I did that day, physical or mental. If I am exhausted to begin with the comedown makes me wayyy sleeper than otherwise. Good luck I hope you find out what works for your soon, it could also be that weed doesn’t affect it as much as you think, if your sleepness nights occur just as often.
A shame to see disposables prevelant, only because their waste. At the end of the day we all waste far too much we should all try and cut down where we can. Love the artwork and happy tokes my man.
D9 is normal thc. Thc-a is normal thc just nor decarbed yet. D8,10,etc are sketchy derivatives that are simmilar but synthetic or semi synthetic. Type 1 is primarily thc, type 2 is roughly half cbd half thc, type 3 is mostly or all cbd. But yeah delta 9 is normal thc, generally full spectrum (contains cbd, thc, minor cammabanoids, terpenes etc) is proffered because it’s more balanced than only thc extracts.
Weird polyphasic sleep schedules take weeks to start working, so probably from patterns. Although if what op comment is true something else is happening too
Up to you, I guess I don’t really care how I’m buried for example, but I’d certainly rather be dumped in the woods rather than embalmed and have a plot etc
Yeah but why do you care one way or another?
I’ve seen a video of this in color why’s it back and white lol