Seems my Geographie is rusted, got it mixed up
Seems my Geographie is rusted, got it mixed up
My bad, got them mixed up
And yet, dubai is advertisedd by many influencer as a dream place to live.
But it’s an autocratic hell, they live on the backs of slaves and they aren’t save from repercussions
They blocked my instance so I don’t have to see them. Seems like you protect one image on everybody disagreeing with you, that doesn’t seem healthy
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It’s telling they fellt the need to defederate first. They need to controll their narrative, otherwise their views might get challenged and their tankie idiology starts to crumble.
I am for left unity, but tankies always try to strongarm the discussion and don’t really argue on good faith. They don’t respect any idiology other then theirs.
Probably the best outcome, even if it’s a pity losing their more reasonable users.
Not saying allied, but had an agreement that lasted until the nazis betrayed them. But equalling that saying this is the same as holocaust denial plays holocaust denialism down.
To me it seems that the polish wanted independence, but I don’t know much about this conflict, so I am not really comfortable to comment on that.
Fighting nazis was a good thing and the appeasement politic from western nations was a bad take, I would never argue against that, but I don’t know how the NAP helped, because for me it semms more like it gave the nazis time and space to make atrocitys in Europe and German.
Sorry to hear that this happens to your family. War is hell an leaves it scars. Hope your family can heal.
Russia has the power to stop the war and retreat.
Yeah the west and Russia where saber-rattling. But Russia choose to act and it.
The thing is putin will only use diplomacy on his on terms, and these terms alone will threaten the existence of Ukraines souveränity itself.
And victim blaming is never ok, even when you think the victim is an asshole.
That’s why the udssr where allied with Hitler early in the war and signing a NAP, only stopping because Hitler betrayed them and attacked anyway?
Sorry, but this interpretation sounds a bit revisionistic. It was lot of people’s fault that Hitler could do what he did, that’s not a east vs. West thing. People should focus on the real factors and watch that something like this never happens again.
Inzwischen ist man ja eigentlich echt abgestumpft was sowas in Amerika angeht, aber manchmal werde ich immernoch sprachlos. Diese Welten an Schmerz die ermöglicht werden weil jeder voll idiot ne Waffe hat. Die Normalisierung von Waffengewalt das überhaupt jemand denkt das ist ne logische Reaktion auf ein zu lautes Kind. Die absolute empathielosigkeit die so verbreitet ist. Ich muss erst mal wieder drauf klarkommen, bis mich das nächste mal ne Nachricht zurück in die Realität reißt.
Gibt einfach keine Erklärung die so ein Verhalten gerechtfertigen würde, also warum zum fick sollte man Unschuld vermuten. Und die Bullen stecken doch ständig unschuldige in untersuchungshaft um sie einzuschüchtern.
Mich Wunderts echt das es immernoch Menschen gibt wo so sehr Stiefel lecken das sie so verhalten entschuldigen kann.
Scheint ja komischerweise ein weltweites Problem mit Polizei zu haben. Vll sollte man das System mal genauer anschauen, weil es irgendwie ja en grundsätzliches Problem mit dem Konzept “Polizei” gibt.
Jetzt laut sagen was eh schon jeder weiß. In der Hoffnung seine Zielgruppe war einfach bisher zu hohl um es verstehen oder wie? Selbst die haben es verstanden, aber man bleibt halt oft doch lieber beim orginal als bei der schnellen Zusammenarbeit gekramten Nachahme. Da ist das AFD branding zu stark und Faschismus hat keine Substanz, das ist doch der ganze Punkt davon.
Immer wieder interessant solche fake news dekonstuiert zu sehen. Vorallem zu sehen wie groß der Einfluss von Bildzeitung auf die jetzigen “Politik” Debatten hat. Traurig wie blind das von anderen Medien immer wieder aufgenommen wird, aber gibt halt direkt am meisten Klicks. Ich bekomme immer mehr das Gefühl das ein immer größer werdender Teil einfach durch die ganzen fake news immer mehr in eine alternative, aus Angst und Hass gebildete Realität rutschen.
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Das ist doch eher ein Anreiz für die Fachkräfte auszuwandern, um bessere Arbeitsbedingungen und damit auch Lebensqualität zu bekommen.
Aber solche Ängste gibt’s natührlich nur wenns um stärkeres bestteuern von Reiche geht.
I am not even diagnosed at the moment. And the whole process of getting diagnosed in my country is discouraging me. And somehow I fear that I would lose an portion of “me” if I would medicate now.
I grew up without a diagnose and some how habdlrd it and coped with it enough that it wasn’t directly a problem. Until last year when I get to know somebody who is diagnosed who said to me I probably have it and I am still learning what it realy means, but it helps knowing now the words to describe how I always fellt.
Sorry I got lost, so maybe someday but unsure.
It was just an example, I wasn’t claiming that it is an exclusive talking point for the left. But then you still would probably agree that an party which ignores such problems isn’t really leftist, nor liberal.
In the name sure. In the party even are some left leaning politicians. But the body of it and our Bundeskanzler, are more centrist than left. The upholding of the status quo is more important for them than improving social situations and tackling leftist points like wealth inequality, so I personally wouldn’t call them left leaning
But the population and therefore our government which get voted from them is more conservative. And that’s not even calculating the swing to the right. And the established far right networks our executive like police, military and intelligent services doesn’t give a picture of a left leaning country. Germany had a good foundation, I give you that, but we have now decades of conservative governments who slowly undermined it.
So maybe left leaning if you compare it to an absolute monarchy, but if you differentiate and look closer, Germany is far from an left leaning country.