I fell like the critic in me is stronger, but i really can’t compare myself to neurotypical standards

  • dumptruckdan
    111 year ago

    Being a responsible adult with ADHD means kind of doing both in a controlled way. What I mean by that is, ADHD gives you some deficits and difficulties. On the one hand, you can’t use it as an excuse to not work on those difficulties and do your best. On the other hand, you also shouldn’t be hard on yourself if your best sometimes doesn’t measure up to other people’s expectations. And for your sanity you should always give yourself breaks from working on yourself.

    • DreamButt
      21 year ago

      Exactly. While it is not your fault you were dealt this hand it’s still your responsibly to manage it and how it effects others to the best of your ability

    • @NeoMossOP
      31 year ago

      I am not even diagnosed at the moment. And the whole process of getting diagnosed in my country is discouraging me. And somehow I fear that I would lose an portion of “me” if I would medicate now.

      I grew up without a diagnose and some how habdlrd it and coped with it enough that it wasn’t directly a problem. Until last year when I get to know somebody who is diagnosed who said to me I probably have it and I am still learning what it realy means, but it helps knowing now the words to describe how I always fellt.

      Sorry I got lost, so maybe someday but unsure.

    • pitninja
      1 year ago

      I can’t speak for OP, but for me, after finishing an undergrad degree, the side effects of Adderall made it less tolerable than just finding a job in a field I’m actually interested in. Now I just have to deal with all the other responsibilities that being an adult entails, which sucks without meds, but at least I can sleep normally 🤷