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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • How I made the decision: asked myself do I want to have children because that is what I want or because that is what is expected/wanted by others? For me, it was the latter. I have been incredibly happy with the decision, though I’m also incredibly fortunate and privileged to be in the spot my partner and I are in.

    My partner and I had the luxury of me being in grad school as the “excuse” for why we hadn’t had kids. Then student loans. But at a certain point that was unfair to us and our parents. My partner is an only child so her parents won’t have grandkids. I have a brother who has kids.

    Avoiding uncomfortable conversations and putting the wants of other people before yours is something we all do. However, doing that with bringing a whole living being is, in my opinion, a recipe for fucking disaster.

    If you want kids because you want to, then you should. If you don’t want kids because you don’t, then you shouldn’t. If your partner is on a different wavelength, you need to have a very adult conversation. The decision to bring a life into this world (especially at this point) is huge. This is also not a conversation to convince the other person you’re right (this goes for your partner too).

    I hope you are able to make this decision in a way that fits best for you.

  • Allows for steam to be released. Steam is what helps the crust form the way it did and to get a good oven spring. Steam is very important in bread making and home ovens vent too much. So put the dough in a ditch oven with ice (so the stream is caught) and then be in heaven when you realize you can make a great loaf of bread at home! I’ve only used ice a handful of times though.

  • I didn’t get a picture of it, but recently completely the Uinta Highline Trail in North Eastern Utah. On day two, we get to the campsite at like 7:00pm to setup the tent and eat. All of a sudden, the wife and I hear this noise that’s like a drone. Look around, not a drone but a little hummingbird just checking us out. Didn’t expect the little bugger to be there and at that time. No flowers in sight, just pine trees. It was a pretty cool thing to have witnessed just totally randomly.

  • I transitioned from an elliptical to the treadmill. Knees are in rough shape and it took about 4 weeks for them to get sore after pushing a little too quick and not getting proper rest. Probably wasn’t doing enough stretching either. Inside of my knee is where it hurt so don’t think it was an IT band issue.

    Listened to my body, that’s the fitness victory. Knee feels better 7 days since my last run and just in time to set off of a thru hike of the Uinta Highline Trail on Sunday. Hella excited for the adventure too!