Edinburgh hell yeah i really need to try out the trams there
the multipla is one of my all time favourite cars such a silly little guy!!
I’ve always thought that the bassist was the hottest member of the band i feel like a drummer is kind of unpredictable
i haven’t heard of anyone actually using it, but I’ve heard of people using the others
even in my lifetime the Americanisation of halloween has been really weird, it’s obviously a lot more commercialised, but also nobody calls it guising anymore it’s honestly kinda depressing since a lot of our traditions have just been replaced with american ones
to be fair, it’s not just America, although it’s kinda just the uk as well, it is an irish/scottish holiday originally after all
one of the stupidest posts I’ve seen on here thank you for everything i love you
wasn’t really sure at first, but i listened to ‘Still Hoverin’’ and i liked that imho it isn’t too similar to gizz, more like Acetone or something it’s still cool though, will be listening to them in more depth soon
hell yeah Edinburgh trams
i actually didn’t notice this was ai until right there, and i feel kinda bad about it now