• @GardenVarietyAnxiety@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I don’t think it will take over, necessarily, but it will likely get a big boost. We’d probably see dozens of new laws favoring Christian religious beliefs at the federal level.

    I think the biggest change we’ll see is the ruling class getting calcified while more and more rights get stripped away from the working class to make sure we aren’t able to challenge anything we don’t like.

    So… Like it is now, but without any room for hope.

    I urge every single American reading this to organize locally. It’s not too late yet, but if we sit on our hands, it will be.

  • @Raykin@lemmy.world
    404 months ago

    Both sides are not the same. If you’re not voting Biden you are voting for chaos. Full stop.

  • @Impassionata@lemmy.world
    384 months ago

    anyone who doesn’t expect a regime of brutal martial law to come out of a Trump administration is fooling themselves.

    these people have already shown they don’t care about law and order to institute their belief system on the rest of us.

    what’s going to stop them? congress? they’ll kick out the Democrats because law and order mean nothing to them in their pursuit of power at any costs.

    a full scale state-by-state civil war is increasingly likely.

  • FuglyDuck
    4 months ago


    if it hasn’t already, that is. Trump will give them anything they want because they give him he everything wants.

  • @Tylerdurdon@lemmy.world
    144 months ago

    I didn’t think it will necessarily “take over,” but believe it’ll be double the unmitigated clusterfuck it was the first time. The difference is his mission will be to ensure there is not another election that can be held afterwards, from day one. The first time, he was just flummoxed that he got elected for a long time and figuring out how to abuse his power. Now it would be unbridled abuse without a care as to what anyone says.

  • @AdmiralShat@programming.dev
    4 months ago

    No, the current group of young voters is predominantly democrat voting, and atheism is growing. This is temporary, once the boomers age out we will likely see a trend towards the left again.

    I unironically blame Trump and MAGAism on lead. We still need to hold on for how plastic plays out, but I’m sure lead brain plays a huge role in the modern political climate.

    I don’t think whoever is in office is somehow playing into what religion people pick. This isn’t Saudi Arabia or something either, our government is actually set up in such a way that radical sweeping changes aren’t possible. They picked at some of our rights, but it’s not like we’re on our way to the gulags anytime soon.

    And really the issues we’re seeing have been prevalent for decades, it’s not like Trump has done anything but highlighted the crazies.

    I’m not saying there isn’t a threat that needs to be taken seriously, and I’m not trying to down play the reality of the situation, but again, we’re not on our way to the gulags anytime soon.

    • @GardenVarietyAnxiety@lemmy.world
      164 months ago

      I agree with 99% of your reply, but this one key part:

      our government is actually set up in such a way that radical sweeping changes aren’t possible.

      The following is from the PDF hosted on the Project 2025 website:

      Aggressive Approach to Senate-Confirmed Leadership Positions. While Senate confirmation is a constitutionally necessary requirement for appointing agency leadership, the next Administration may need to take a novel approach to the confirmations process to ensure an adequate and rapid transition. For example, the next Administration arguably should place its nominees for key positions into similar positions as “actings” (for example, putting in a person to serve as the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner of CBP while that person is going through the confirmation process to direct ICE or become the Secretary). This approach would both guarantee implementation of the Day One agenda and equip the department for potential emergency situations while still honoring the confirmation requirement. The department should also look to remove lower-level but nevertheless important positions that currently require Senate confirmation from the confirmation requirement, although this effort would require legislation (and might also be mooted in the event of legisla- tion that closes portions of the department that currently have Senate-confirmed leadership).

      If you get the right people in the right positions to do enough damage in a short timeframe, it becomes “Shoot first, ask questions later”

  • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    124 months ago

    Trump is Putin’s puppy/puppet. All Vlad wants is chaos in the West. It’s not a matter of the MAGoos taking over; it’s about how much trouble they can make.

      • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        84 months ago

        The difference between Vlad and the Evangelicals is the difference between a con man who takes your entire fortune and a bunch of kids who guilt you into letting them stay up and eat candy.

        The Christian right will be happy with book burnings, mass shootings, and hanging abortion providers. Vlad would like to see the US broken up into five or more feuding confederations, ala Brexit

  • Leraje
    114 months ago

    Of a sort, yes.

    He’s not a smart man, but he has a low level of instinctive cunning. I doubt he’s christian in the sense that he believes in god but he realises it’s a potentially useful tool to manipulate his followers. So yes, the christo side of it will be a useful tool in his armory to help him achieve the fascist bit. That’s the bit he’s really interested in as it gives him perpetual power which he can then pass down to his chosen one.

  • gila
    74 months ago

    Yes, or alternatively if Biden gets elected, yes

    • Lemminary
      104 months ago

      How would reelecting Biden achieve that? As in, it being his fault or someone else’s?

      • gila
        4 months ago

        It wouldn’t make a difference, same like how it doesn’t make a difference now. I can only really respond directly to the question by acknowledging how it’s framed, but I don’t think it’s really the right question. I don’t think the potential for Christo-fascism to take over is a function of the upcoming presidential election. You think if I put “no, and also no” then I’d have gotten upvotes instead?

        • Lemminary
          104 months ago

          Nobody’s talking about the question or what you should’ve answered–I’m talking about your answer above. I’m asking you, how would electing BIden again lead to a Christofascist state? What’s the mechanism?

          • gila
            4 months ago

            I said it wouldn’t make a difference. We currently exist in the reality where Biden beat Trump, and it hasn’t made a difference to the continued propagation of Christo-fascism, and I’d expect that trend to continue in the short term.

            • Lemminary
              104 months ago

              I understand that’s what you said but I was looking for more info. So it’s not because of Biden like your comment somewhat implies then, because that would raise a lot of questions. I feel like that’s the reason you’re getting downvoted. Thanks for clarifying

              • gila
                4 months ago

                Oh, maybe they’re deserved then. Biden is currently enabling a genocide in the name of a judeo-christian ethnostate? Well known for being a segregationist? He’s less of a Christo-fascist himself than Trump though, somehow. In any case, local elections will be much more important for affecting the propagation of Christo-fascism, at least 'til the boomers are all dead. How many states haven’t even voted on abortion yet?