recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    241 year ago

    I’ll probably get roasted for this but… Pokemon. It just seems like endless copy/paste and might be one of the laziest game franchises I’ve ever seen. I’ve really tried to get into them. I was there when the Pokemon cartoon started, I saw it rise to the phenomenon it is today, but damn if it isn’t the most boring grindfest ever.

    • @Mandy@beehaw.orgOP
      61 year ago

      it doesnt just feel like copy paste, thats quite literally what they are doing, there is plenty of evidence online to show that they do but hey, if you can make whatever low effort thing you want and people still buy it why bother trying?

      • Julian
        21 year ago

        There’s no problem with copy/paste, games do that all the time (look at portal, most of that game is reused half life 2 assets). I think the problem is that they’re just not doing anything interesting with the games. If the games were good it shouldn’t matter if the Pikachu model is reused or made from scratch.

        • @Mandy@beehaw.orgOP
          21 year ago

          Sure but they also straight up lied about making fancy new assets for switch while they just literally copied and pasted from 3ds That lie, I find not okay

        01 year ago

        True, I’m not saying anything I haven’t heard before. It’s just crazy that people keep buying it thinking “Maybe this one will match the memories I had when I was 10.” I guess nostalgia is a powerful drug. Even more powerful than I thought… just looked up the Pokemon franchises worth and it’s estimated at 74 billion. Now I know how boomers feel cause I just don’t get it.

          11 year ago

          Yeah I don’t get it either. I don’t even get the nostalgia aspect, there are just so many new Pokémon that I feel they completely drown out the ones I grew up with, the first like 250 iirc, I have no desire whatsoever to play the new games.

          But I suppose it’s still very popular with kids all around the world as well so there’s that.

      21 year ago

      The pokemon fan games have been way more inventive than the mainline games for a while now. I just recently have been getting into pokemon infinite fusion and it’s FANTASTIC

      21 year ago

      I do agree that it’s the same thing recycled over and over.

      If anyone does want to play them again, I highly recommend emulating them and accelerating the emulation to 2.5 or 3x speed. Makes it much more tolerable.

      21 year ago

      They get away with the copy-paste because the combat system is fundamentally extremely solid.

      The good thing about this is that programming-savvy fans have been creating free fan-games based on the formula for the last decade or so. As with any fan-made content the quality is extremely variable, but I have found some of the newer releases to be genuinely good games, better than anything GameFreak has put out in the last 20 years. Pokémon Unbound is a personal favorite - if you enjoy the fundamentals of the Pokémon games but feel the lack of creativity and puzzle-solving in the official releases I would suggest giving them a look.

    221 year ago

    Red Dead Redemption 2. Everyone goes on about how awesome it is, but I just found the story and gameplay really slow and dull.

  • darius_drake
    171 year ago

    This will be an extremely hot take for some: Almost all recent online games are complete garbage that solely exist to make profit and create addicted user bases and they hurt what videogames truly are, a revolutionary and interactive form of art.

    • anna
      101 year ago

      This is why I can basically only play old games or indies. Games shouldn’t feel like work or require me to pay tons of money. I play games to have fun, which I guess is a radical idea now.

      • Leigh
        21 year ago

        games shouldn’t feel like work

        Oh, boy. Let me tell you about Eve Online, aka, Excel Spreadsheet Simulator. You would LOVE that game! lol

        11 year ago

        I also mainly just post old games and indies, too. Modern games for the most part are pretty garbage due to the way they are designed to take all your money.

          1 year ago

          I have liked a lot of indies lately as well, but there have been a ton of good AAA games recently, for me at least. Elden Ring, TotK, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Hogwarts Legacy, God of War Ragnarok, to name a few.

            11 year ago

            That is fair, besides the star wars one, I am generally interested. i think at the moment, I am most interested in elden ring. I’ll have to see how it runs on my hardware. I guess it will run well enough.

      41 year ago

      Potentially worded a bit abrasively but…kinda yeah. They rely so heavily on fomo, gacha, and other skinner box tricks to keep you playing other than FUN. Just remember what happened to Titanfall 2: "ohhh it was SO FUN it just didn’t have the events and grinding and stuff I wanted >:( "

      • R0cket_M00se
        11 year ago

        How dare they keep the chores out of my fun videogame. Now how am I going to press my dopamine button?!? Huh?!? Think it’s just gonna happen cause I grapple 180 no scoped a guy with a kraber???

        I need checklists! Grind! If the game isn’t a part time job I can’t even conceptualize it being fun!

    171 year ago

    I still can’t make it through any of The Witcher games. Smooth and satisfying gameplay is super important for me to enjoy a game, and The Witcher has always felt slow, clunky, unintuitive, and super menu-heavy. I’m sure the story is great! But I just can’t get past its gameplay.

    161 year ago

    Any game that has daily login bonuses or a bonus for playing every day. Animal crossing pocket or whatever it is. Pokémon go. A bunch of afk phone games. A bunch of gacha games. It just feels so shallow to me. Like, I’m not being manipulated to play something, I just end up feeling so guilty to lose a streak I’d rather delete the game.

      41 year ago

      While not a daily login bonus, the weekly and monthly tasklist of Forza Horizon 5 killed the game for me. It triggered some sort of fomo and I would rush in every week to grind the new tasks/events. That burned me out very fast, so I could not enjoy the rest of the game.

      21 year ago

      I think this CAN work if you naturally enjoy the game, but don’t want to make decisions about your game plan when you boot up.

      I like Deep Rock Galactic. When given 15 mission options, I get choice paralysis, so it’s nice to have dailies/assignments that at least push me into a particular one just to get started.

    141 year ago

    Honestly, Stardew Valley for me. I’ve tried it a couple times and it just didn’t work for me. I wanted to like it, and I like the idea of it, but in practice, I hated the time management aspect and not being able to just run around and do as much as I wanted in a day (I haven’t played on PC with mods; I know there’s at least one or two that let you change that). I also hated the fishing. 🙃

      31 year ago

      As someone who loves stardew (I have 1000+ hours in it) I can see what you mean. I hope you’ll find mods you like, but maybe it’s just better to try other games like sun haven? Never played it myself but I read it eliminates exactly this time managing thing stardew has. And yeah, the fishing is hard. I heard “The fishing in Stardew is the souls-like in farming Minigames” a lot and I think it’s true.

      1 year ago

      I can see why the time mechanic is there but I agree it can be a negative point to the game. You’re not the first person I see complaining about this.

      I liked the game enough but needing to get a rare fish that can only be fished at certain season, certain time period and only when raining to complete quests was annoying, as was needing to get out of the dungeon while I was having a good run because of time. It would have been better if there were alternative means to get the fish, like buying from the fisherman, and the option to camp in the dungeon.

      21 year ago

      The game is kind of a chore at first when you have to manually water your crops. Once you’re more established and have sprinklers you can really put a lot of the farming on autopilot.

      11 year ago

      I actually feel like Harvest Moon was more chill and relaxing. Stardew Valley stressed me out because I felt like if I didn’t manage my time properly I was doing it wrong which felt weird given the game’s message about leaving the demanding stressful work life of the city behind.

  • thunderbird32
    1 year ago

    Borderlands: I mean the combat is fine and all, but the story is super weak. What is my incentive to keep playing? Just to click on more heads? There are better games for that (Doom, Quake, etc)

    1 year ago

    Didn’t play Skyrim at the time and the two times I’ve tried to get into It didn’t really click for me. I understand why people like It, mayo give another try sometime

      81 year ago

      Oh thank god, I came here to say Skyrim and was afraid of being the only one.

      I should have liked it. Absolutely loved Morrowind. But just never could get into Skyrim despite multiple attempts and now I’ve given up.

      • TheMonkeyLord
        31 year ago

        In all fairness, you wouldn’t like it just because you liked Morrowind. The games play entirely different from one another and the story of Skyrim is a downgrade by several margins (though some of the sidequests are awesome).

        This is coming from someone who has like 200 hours in Skyrim.

    • Julian
      41 year ago

      I never managed to get far in Skyrim. And even if you like it, I don’t think it’s too controversial to say that it has one of the worst intros for an open world game.

        31 year ago

        I tried that, but in the end it turns out I found hunting for mods more fun than actually playing them.

    • Pigeon
      31 year ago

      I could never get over the fucking monotone same-voice way every NPC speaks.

      Everything about that game felt monotone, to me.

      I think about trying again, once in a while, but haven’t yet. They keep releasing new versions at prices I’m not willing to pay for it.

    1 year ago

    The Witcher 3.

    It just feels so generic and suffers from one of the things I hate the most about rpgs. Endless sidequests that have nothing to do with the main quest.

    Cyberpunk 2077. The first part was really enjoyable. Then you get to the open world part and it suffers from the same issue as the Witcher above and also has fiddly levelling up/skill tree. Also it’s overwhelming. You’re on a mission. The phone calls. Sone rando wants you for a job. Start job. The phone calls. There’s an out of control ai taxi…repeat. Just too much information at once and mostly for stuff unrelated to the fact your character has a very personal and important mission.

    Survival/Builder games I find incredibly boring.

    • @Mandy@beehaw.orgOP
      41 year ago

      Witcher 3 felt more like “I have sex and you should know about it” the game, to me at least

    • drinvictus
      31 year ago

      It felt like a chore. All the time I felt like “am I supposed to be having fun?”

    121 year ago

    Didn’t see anyone else mention it, so I’ll say MMOs. Pretty much all of them. WoW, FFXIV, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars one (can’t remember the name). I really like the idea of MMOs, having a huge shared world that feels alive, tons of lore, epic quests, but I just find the gameplay loop so boring. They just feel like endless busywork to me.

    • Leigh
      21 year ago

      The content and world in MMOs feels superficial. I much prefer a tightly constructed narrative with deep, meaningful character development. The Last Of Us is a great example of this.

  • hugh
    111 year ago

    I guess I’ll take the hit for this one. Dark Souls.

    The combat can be really fun and I had a great time fighting the bosses but the slow, careful crawl between boss fights is just so dull to me that it’s not worth it.

      31 year ago

      Came here to say this, from software is clearly really talented at level design and art direction, but I cannot for the life of me find enjoyment in those games because of the overall gameplay experience just being boring.

      21 year ago

      I agree on that one, but for a slightly different reason. For me it was the camera. For whatever reason I had the feeling I fought the camera more than I fought the enemies. And that kills the fun for me.

    • HiT3k
      11 year ago

      Sekiro and Elden Ring have pretty much ruined any desire I had to play Dark Souls. Sekiro, in particular, seems like a distillation of everything I loved about DS gameplay with zero bloat, and still managed to take me 40 hours to beat.

      1 year ago

      I recently tried to play MH: Rise and bounced so hard. They really need to consider how to ease new players to the genre into the game. The first hour included so much exposition, paragraphs of text, and detailed menu tutorials before I really had any context for why anything is important. I know that the games have always been this way, but it felt lazy.

        1 year ago

        Got through all of that to play with a friend cuz we played the beta together and thought it would be promising

        We were so disappointed we spent less time playing together than we did on the initial text/cutscenes.

        11 year ago

        I feel like World unintentionally offered a better experience with the Defender set. I guess it was brought in to help people “fast forward” to Iceborne content. But I was appreciating it even just for playing through the main game. I would use Defender weapons, with no Defender armor, dealing far more damage than I should have at that point in the game, and monsters still took a good 15 minutes; about as long as I would ever want a fight like that to take without getting seriously bored.

        If I ever return to try Rise, I’m a bit worried that it will feel grueling.

    • @mateoinc
      21 year ago

      Out of curiosity, which one(s) did you try?

        • @mateoinc
          1 year ago

          Oh. World is a bit faster compared to old school MH. So there goes my initial hope. But if you ever want to give the series another try, Rise is faster and flashier.

          In general I recommend trying the games with a friend or a guide. The games themselves are not good at helping players “get” them.

      11 year ago

      You should try world if you can. Rise has too much systems bloat in my opinion. World was my first monster hunter and I have over 200 hours and I am still not done. Rise added so much stuff with palicos and palamutes that I couldn’t be bothered to do. It tipped the scales just a bit too much towards systems bloat in my opinion. I haven’t played generations but from my understanding, it isn’t as modernised as the current iterations of monster hunter so that may be causing you some friction.

    • @mateoinc
      11 year ago

      There’s not much to get. You just hunt monsters. When (if) it clicks, everything else becomes secondary. Any quest, story, goal, and grind, is just an excuse to go and dance with the game’s monsters again.

      There’s a very rewarding feeling in how much winning feels like something you did yourself (more with knowledge than skill IMO), and not something the game just “let you” do.

    111 year ago

    Terraria - I just don’t understand what you’re meant to do or why it’s interesting.

    I actually really like TOTK though, it’s a big improvement over BOTW with a slightly more alive world and the vehicle creation stuff is fun.

      01 year ago

      Feel the same about final fantasy 14. Actually looks like a good game but subscription based games are really off putting.

        11 year ago

        I think that’s my biggest hangup. I have limited time to play games and subscriptions are too easy to continue to pay when you aren’t using it.