• duffman@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Crazy how defensive you get when I am asking what your plan is.

    If you are doing the best you can with your budget this thread doesn’t apply to you and there’s no need to be offended. Many others do not make good financial decisions and need help preparing for their future. Financial budgeting education is lacking in our schools, and many learn the hard way.

    Promoting narratives that nobody can do anything to better themselves financially is irresponsible.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      8 months ago

      I’m getting defensive because I said I had nothing to save and your response was questioning what I was doing for my child as if this was my fault.

      Because here is what I said:

      These “you should have saved for retirement” people really piss me off, especially the “you should have cut out luxuries” assholes. Bitch, I’m like the 62% of the rest of America that lives paycheck-to-paycheck. What luxuries? The occasional chai latte to make my life slightly more bearable? Buying my daughter Taco Bell once in a while to see her smile?

      If I have to work for decades and deny myself any comfort for those decades just to have some comfort for the last 10-20 years of my life? Fuck that.

      In response to that, you said:

      If your not even planning on saving for yourself what are you going to do for your daughter?

      As if I could plan for my daughter’s financial future if I just didn’t have a latte and buy my daughter Taco Bell once in a while rather than not have savings because I’m fucking poor.

      Can’t imagine why that would make me defensive.

      What’s next, telling me it’s my fault for not being wealthy?