And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.

  • rynzcycle
    744 months ago

    I won’t rehash my opinions, they already been better said here, but I want to add I hate the phrase “close the border”. What the fuck does that mean, was it open, did the last one in forget to close the door?

    From the article, he is considering taking action “to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally” which has a lot more nuance and is important to the discussion. So this will specifically affect people who have a legitimate claim to asylum, the border was never “open” to any migrants without it (or a visa).

    • Hello_there
      44 months ago

      Law states that legality of crossing has no effect on validity of asylum cases. I guess we’re ok with doing whatever we want to cater to a republican base that won’t vote for a dem.

    294 months ago

    I’ve keep being put into a position where I have to further my consideration in voting for Biden.

    He’s the strongest the Democrats can muster, we can’t have any one else (but please don’t criticize him, he’s incredibly weak, a strong breeze will knock him over). Hes the best option we’ve got to stop a Palestinian genocice (oh except earlier today he vetoed a vote via the UN that could have stopped the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people). But we have to vote Biden because Trump would probably be worse (even though, you know, Biden is the one right now supporting the genocide. not hypothetical).

    If you think this delusional policy is defensible, right here right now, you are part of the problem.

    NO right wing voter is going to support Biden. PERIOD. NONE. You will ONLY get votes for Biden stepping to the left. Literally every Democratic victory in 60 fucking years have happened that way. But yeah, keep pursuing these genocidal right of Rumsfield positions, Democrats. I"m sure you’ll find that center once you have cripwalked past Cheny’s undead beating heart of evil.

    THe entire last decade of political progress made by progressives has been lost because of this idiot.

    • Neato
      134 months ago

      I’ve keep being put into a position where I have to further my consideration in voting for Biden.

      No you don’t. Because you have 2 options: Biden or Trump. If you are considering Trump as a legitimate pick, then just say you’re a fascist and save everyone time.

      You will ONLY get votes for Biden stepping to the left.

      Despite what the internet says, most of America is not that progressive. Else we’d have more progressive candidates down ballot. People love to bitch and whine about how there’s no good options. Well that’s because America is pretty conservative on a lot of issues. It’s not like there’s this giant leap from left-leaning to far-right fascists. It’s a huge spectrum. People not wanting to recognize this is why we get posts like this.

      If America was truly as progressive as some people thought, a third party could sweep the Democrats with a popular progressive candidate. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. But it is changing. Albeit slowly.

      So get out there and campaign or run for office. Because this kind of grandstanding only creates voter apathy.

      • Diotima
        114 months ago

        If America was truly as progressive as some people thought, a third party could sweep the Democrats with a popular progressive candidate

        In a word, no. The GOP and the DNC actively collude to ensure that no one else can compete.

        No you don’t. Because you have 2 options: Biden or Trump. If you are considering Trump as a legitimate pick, then just say you’re a fascist

        So our choices are 1) fascists who support a fascist or 2) ethnic cleansing apologists who are 100% okay with voting for the man supplying weapons and aid to those committing the cleansing.

        94 months ago

        If America was truly as progressive as some people thought, a third party could sweep the Democrats with a popular progressive candidate.

        Yeah fucking right. Money is the number one determining factor in candidate success, and after that it is the organizational power of the DNC. How deluded do you have to be to think that ANY third party is going to be able to muster populist support given the current economic & political paradigm. I’m sorry, but that is just so fucking naive I can’t believe you even tried to float that.

          14 months ago

          Jesus, get some reading comprehension skills. The person you’re responding to agrees with you.

              14 months ago

              They’re arguing against voting for a third party, just as you are.

              I don’t agree with either of you, but this isn’t about what I agree with or disagree with:

              You’re arguing that anyone voting for a third party is a waste, and that anyone arguing for that is naive.

              The person you responded to is saying the same thing, but with more words, and the final paragraph arguing that if people are unhappy they should run or organize for political offices, rather than argue for or vote for a third party.

                14 months ago

                I guess you could potentially read that interpretation into what they said, but that is not how I personally took it. To me it seemed like they were arguing that if there was any real appetite for a progressive populist candidate that it would be possible to get them elected through grassroots support alone, and I just don’t agree with that at all for the reasons that I already stated. The nature of the two party system is that it necessarily creates the artificial appearance of majority support for candidates that would otherwise not even represent a plurality within their own party a lot of the time.

        44 months ago

        Hitler was voted in.

        Part of the problem with the political system of fascism is that it leads to scapegoating and then genocide.

        We’ve got genocide right now, though.

        • Neato
          24 months ago

          Hitler was voted in.

          Not quite. He was named chancellor.

          In 1932, Hitler ran against the war hero Paul von Hindenburg for president, and received 36.8 percent of the vote. … Though the Nazis never attained more than 37 percent of the vote at the height of their popularity in 1932, Hitler was able to grab absolute power in Germany largely due to divisions and inaction among the majority who opposed Nazism.

          But your point stands: Hitler gained power in a legitimate fashion. Chancellorship (it’s why that’s the fascist win condition in Secret Hitler, not Hitler being elected President). And then he took the rest of the power and made himself a dictator. Which is why we should be absolutely terrified of risking a Trump election. Giving him the pretense of legitimacy will only make it that much easier for him to take absolute power. And Trump has said he would. He said he’d be “dictator for a day”. Which is the biggest red flag possible.

      4 months ago

      NO right wing voter is going to support Biden. PERIOD. NONE. You will ONLY get votes for Biden stepping to the left. Literally every Democratic victory in 60 fucking years have happened that way. But yeah, keep pursuing these genocidal right of Rumsfield positions, Democrats. I"m sure you’ll find that center once you have cripwalked past Cheny’s undead beating heart of evil.

      Sure, he’s not going to get any right-wing voters, but is he going to lose left-wing voters? There’s still a center, and the majority of people are in there. That majority cares about things like this.

      THe entire last decade of political progress made by progressives has been lost because of this idiot.

      What progress is that?

    • DaBabyAteMaDingo
      24 months ago

      You lefties make me want to vote for trump. I’ve been a Democrat my entire life but I hate being associated with you idiots. Biden is a strong president and has done far more good than any president in the past 50 years but you’re too far up hasan pikers ass to see it.

      If I see one more “lefty” talking shit about Biden, I’m voting for trump and getting the other fence centers to do so. And I hope he leaves NATO and abandons Palestine to be left a crater so you idiots can finally have a reason to cry (wouldn’t matter since you’re always crying).

      • trevor
        64 months ago

        Imagine thinking that your candidate is above criticism for enabling a genocide 🤡

        Go ahead and do what you’re going to do. If someone correctly criticizing Biden for being too right-wing makes you want to vote for Trump, you never had any principles anyway.

        • DaBabyAteMaDingo
          24 months ago

          Criticism is fair play and he should be criticized for funding any war as a whole BUT Israel is our ally. That’s just how it goes. Although 28,000 deaths and counting is pretty messed up - I just don’t see how it’s our/Biden’s fault.

        34 months ago

        Biden is a strong president and has done far more good than any president in the past 50 years but you’re too far up hasan pikers ass to see it.

        In the interests of furthering discussion, what are some of these good deeds he did that you see as remarkable?

        • DaBabyAteMaDingo
          24 months ago

          Lowest unemployment rate in the last 50 years

          Got us out of Afghanistan

          Debt relief for student loans

          Cracked down on COVID and made real efforts to eradicate it

          Need more?

            14 months ago

            Lowest unemployment rate in the last 50 years

            In the months prior to the pandemic, the unemployment rate during the Trump administration was below 4% for nearly 20 straight months — there was one exception in that stretch, when the rate was 4% in January 2019.

            Had Biden set the threshold a tick higher, at or below 4% — instead of simply below 4% — then “the longest stretch in over 50 years” would have occurred under the president he beat in 2020 and may face again in 2024: Donald Trump.

            During the Trump administration, there were 24 straight months when the unemployment rate was at or below 4%, starting in March 2018 and ending in February 2020, before the devastating economic effects of the pandemic kicked in.

            By that measure, an unemployment rate at or below 4%, the Biden administration is currently riding a streak of 20 straight months — the longest stretch in over three years.


            • DaBabyAteMaDingo
              14 months ago

              But trump had the worst unemployment rate because of his mishandling of COVID. Two of my examples. Funny how you tried to focus in a single point (and failed) and ignored the others.

              You’re not good at this 😂😂😂

        284 months ago

        Democrats moving to the right to try and get republican votes isn’t a great strategy. But they’ll get to blame the left if they lose, and keep moving to the right if they win. Billionaire donors stay winning.

        • Chainweasel
          44 months ago

          Would you rather Trump fucking win?

          If hoping Biden wins in a bad thing, who exactly do you think would be a better candidate Of those running for office this year?

            4 months ago

            Democrats not being leftists has NOTHING to do with how shitty Trump is. Stop it. Stop. This is fucking reactionary stupidity. Stop using Republican “logic”.

            • Chainweasel
              64 months ago

              Well if people are going to refuse to vote for Biden over this shit, who exactly do you think is going to win instead?

              Be fucking realistic, if no one votes for Biden, Trump wins.

                4 months ago

                No one who has said they are unhappy with Biden has said they aren’t voting. You fucking morons just assume a negative opinion implies they won’t vote against Trump.

                Stop projecting your own lack of moral fortitude on to others. I can hate someone AND recognize that they’re still the lesser of two evils.

                I just wish you dumbasses would understand that “lesser evil” is still evil, and I am NOT happy voting for ANYTHING evil.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    174 months ago

    Absolutely disgusting. I don’t know how I can vote for this despicable person again. Appalling. Democrats are supposedly the good party?

    Give me one reason to vote for this fascist that isn’t “he’s not Trump.”

    P.S. Willem van Spronsen was a hero, and I wish we all could follow his example.

    Fuck your imaginary border.

          4 months ago

          I don’t know why you think that would matter to Biden. He already kept in place Trump era policies on Asylum seeking outside official entry points and even wants people to stay in the country they seek to escape until they have our permission to start their journey.

          Looking back at it I think his stance on immigration was our warning that he was going to be the farthest right democratic president yet.

      24 months ago

      Hey traffic will be awesome! Don’t know what we’re going to do with all the trucks that stop though.

    4 months ago

    It’s just a virtue signal that Dems appropriated from Repubs as the Overton Window has shifted to the right. In actually neither of them will do anything to affect real change because too many companies make a shitload of money exploiting the fuck out of immigrants. Then these assholes get to scapegoat these same immigrants as some kind of root cause for how the middle class is doing worse getting fucked over while Wall Street keeps breaking records. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be over $20.