• @samus12345@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    “I guess people just don’t like super hero movies any more.”

    Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in May last year: $845.6 million at the box office.

    As others are saying, it’s because Disney got greedy and started shitting out mediocre movies. And DC has never really gotten its act together.

    • @yessikg
      34 months ago

      That’s really low for a Disney movie with such a big budget, they expected at least a billion

      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        104 months ago

        Guardians of the Galaxy: $773.3 million

        Guardians of the Galaxy 2: $869.8 million

        Guess those were flops, too.

        • @yessikg
          04 months ago

          One, it cost 250 million to make and two, inflation. So no, it’s not a flop but below expectations.

  • @MaroonMage@lemmy.world
    254 months ago

    …though sources say that even before Majors’ conviction, the studio was making moves to minimize the character after Quantumania underperformed, grossing $476 million

    Jonathan Majors-related stuff aside, this sentence makes me shake my head.

    Why does it seem like Hollywood always takes the wrong lesson from box office results? Quantumania isn’t well received, and instead of assuming it’s because of the bad script or bad story or rushed CGI, their impulse is to retool their entire franchise to minimize a character? Especially a character who people were generally into (at that time, at least…again, Majors stuff aside).

    People disliked Quantamania not because of Kang, people disliked it because it wasn’t a good movie. Maybe if you tie good stories and good filmmaking to your multi-billion dollar franchise and stop plopping out half thought out turds, then people will go see your movie.

    • MamboGator
      154 months ago

      The thing I hated most about Quantumania was that nothing was real. Every background was a CGI mess made of a bunch of ethereal looking blobs of land and sky. It’s like whoever designed the quantum realm saw a couple photos of space nebulae and desert hoodoos and thought that would somehow work if they slapped a bunch of actors on top.

  • @beefcat@lemmy.world
    224 months ago

    It’s no secret that since the 2019 Avengers: Endgame, the company was asked to scale up in an unprecedented way to feed its fledgling streaming service, Disney+

    There’s the problem

    “Some of our studios lost a little focus. So the first step that we’ve taken is that we’ve reduced volume,” Iger said on a Feb. 7 earnings call.

    And there’s a big part of the solution. Another is giving actual creatives more control over the final product, which they also alluded to.

    My hope is that with scaled back Marvel production, they can direct some of that money towards new, original IP.

    • MamboGator
      64 months ago

      Bob Chapek really was the worst person to be put in charge of Disney. He did a huge amount of damage in such a short amount of time. I have no love for any CEO, but Iger at least seems to have a better idea of how to run things.

      I recall reading somewhere that the (terrible) live action remakes were Chapek’s pet project even before he was CEO, but I can’t find the source anymore so take my words with a grain of salt.