I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
If I’m in a mirthful mood, sometimes I will wave my hands in a magical gesture, causing the door to open before me, as I enter the grocery store.
All the time. I know it’s not real, but it’s fun to try to predict when exactly the bus is gonna come. It’s right after this blue car! … well, okay, maybe it’s right after this white car! oh…
There’s my people! Forget these party poopers. How do you know you can’t spark fire from your fingertips, or make an icicle fall just by concentrating on it if you never try?
True — you can’t prove the thing that already happened had nothing to do with me thinking real hard about it!
I occasionally feel the need to crush some heads.
Careful or I’ll be forced to smoosh your face!
There is… NOBODY HOME!
I regularly use my gifts to open grocery store doors.
Made me laugh. Thanks.
Taking a cat bowl full of water back to its spot on the floor. I remember I am the water, and it gets delivered without spilling.
Myself never, but there probably … millions? tens of millions? of tiktok brained Americans that believe in ‘manifesting’, so being irrationally delusional is pretty trendy right now I guess.
Manifesting is a thing, though. It’s not magic, but it is a way to trigger the placebo effect which is an observed phenomenon.
I can’t manifest a jet, but I can manifest a new car. Just by believing I’m going to get one somehow, my brain is going to start doing a lot of subconscious things that are going to add up to getting one. You can manifest a promotion and you will start to work a little harder or more efficiently, maybe add new skills.
Why not just -do- these things? If you can, great! But if not, your subconscious is capable of things your conscious may not be… You could be in a cycle of self sabotage that manifestation can sidestep, for instance.
It’s an incredibly powerful tool that people disregard as woowoo because even the people selling it don’t know how it works.
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my brain is going to start doing a lot of subconscious things that are going to add up to getting one
Can hotwiring be subconscious tho?
On Ambien, probably! ;P
Wait wait.
Its… an incredibly powerful tool, but people don’t know how it works.
But also it works by triggering the placebo effect.
Ok so can you show me maybe something like a scientific study that shows that manifesting practitioners have a ‘powerful’, measurable, meaningfully different … any kind of outcome whatsoever, compared to non manifesters?
Is there evidence that manifesting actually triggers the placebo effect, as you claim it does?
You dont manifest a new car. You either make a plan to figure out how to acquire one, and it either works or it doesnt, or maybe you get lucky and you get gifted one by a friend, or you randomly encounter a scenario where you stumble across a great deal.
Compare the number of people who are manifesting that they want a car and end up with a car and the number of people who are manifesting a car and do not end up with a car vs non manifesters who do and do not end up with a car, in a given timeframe.
Im not aware of any studies on something like this because the notion is dubious on its face, not even having a proposed causal mechanism as you say.
But I would be very strongly inclined to believe that if a such a study were done, what you’d end up with is that manifesting has no statistically significant relationship to acquiring a car, and probably something like overall income or wealth and maybe number of fairly wealthy friends/family do actually have observable effects.
Look I totally am for a reasonable amount of positive self affirmation and self confidence.
But manifesting takes it to literally absurd lengths.
Its… an incredibly powerful tool, but people don’t know how it works.
But also it works by triggering the placebo effect.
The people “selling it” don’t know. Or at least likely don’t know. It’s trendy right now, definitely.
After that, though, you’re asking for studies that are virtually impossible to conduct as your bar for proof, reinforced your bias, drew your own conclusion, and dismissed my position as extreme.
I can’t provide black and white data for you, with the exception of maybe placebo effect studies. But what I can provide for you is experience and understanding of how our brains work. And you can take it with a grain of salt, as I’m not classically educated, but it really is just breaking down common observable behaviors.
I’m not a “Manifester,” but I’ve used the basic methodology to see change in my own life with things I’ve struggled with for years. You can call it manifesting, positive thinking, discipline, whatever. It just takes convincing yourself of something. This greatly increases the odds of that outcome by putting your subconscious to work on achieving it.
I can do it, you can do it, anyone can do it. And it. Kicks. Ass.
Look I totally am for a reasonable amount of positive self affirmation and self confidence.
But manifesting takes it to literally absurd lengths.
People. People take manifesting to absurd lengths. Also, you guys seem to be seeing this on TikTok? The app is designed to show you extreme positions that keep you engaged… You’re gonna see the weirdos.
I don’t have resources either, but I’d like to add that I studied biology and was taught about the mechanism of this at university during some classes. It’s a proven thing.
Pulling my dad’s finger always made him fart. Definitely not normal to have your finger connected to a pressure relief valve in your ass.
Only in moments of extreme crisis.
please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die
Never because I’m not in to larping nor am I goofy in the head.
Shame, you’re missing out
Oh no, how terrible. Maybe I should rub some magic crystals about it.
A bit of silliness makes the world a much better place. Have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously
No, when people are praying to rocks instead of getting cancer treatment for their small helpless children the world is not being made a better place and you’re a terrible person for thinking otherwise.
I often try to pull things toward me or send out damaging rays but it has literally never worked
Weekly. If there’s ever a time for magical thinking, its during TTRPG sessions. Those funny math rocks will obey me one of these days, then its gonna be nothing but nat 20s until the end of time.
But that’ll get boring after a while. Plus people will call you a cheater.
i appreciate your confidence in my ability to actually wizard up some d20 rolls
Every time I try, I swear I only rolls 1s. In a sense, that’s a pretty special ability too. 🤪
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When I was a teen I was pretty much like Silent Bob in Mallrats but now my spirit is broken.
May the cosmos revitalize that spirit of yours.
watch the documentary ‘the matrix is broken’.
A few times a year