Better get the subscription and let them brick your printer if you stop paying

    • Flying Squid
      44 months ago

      Maybe that can be HP’s new slogan to distract from their bullshit ink problem.

      HP: We never say PC LOAD LETTER.

      • @FakeGreekGirl
        34 months ago

        The funny part is they actually invented PC LOAD LETTER. It was a common error message on LaserJet printers around when the movie was made.

        (Also, it just means you need to load some letter size paper into the printer).

    304 months ago

    Hewlett Packard has fallen from grace arguably farther than the Republican party. I’m waiting for some foreign government funded nobody to buy up the name to sell disposable electric cars and smart home espionage devices.

      4 months ago

      The CEO who gutted HP, Carly Fiorina, ran for both Senator and Governor of California at different times on the Republican ticket.

      These 2 things aren’t exactly misaligned.

        154 months ago

        And touted her business experience during the campaign. Experience at making a bad merger and being widely regarded as one of the worst CEOs in tech. Engineering teams were celebrating when she left.

      154 months ago

      We should all remember this when it comes to other companies we like, such as Valve. The current leadership might be great and engineer-driven. The next set of leaders might not.

      • @uriel238
        84 months ago

        Funny, this is the problem with monarchy that drove western civilization to stop that nonsense. You can have the efforts of ten great (or at least mediocre) kings spoiled by one Joffrey or John of England.

        It’s how nations established constitutional monarchies and eventually republics.

          44 months ago

          Yeah, but democracy in companies fundamentally can’t work. Sure, co-ops are usually more successful and have happier workers, but that can’t work. We NEED autocracy in companies. Nothing else works. Believe me. It can’t work, and if it works it’s not real.

        • NotHarveyElliott
          24 months ago

          You get His Majesty’s name out of your mouth!

          (John was one of the better kings, but all of them were awful. He was better than his brother tho, lionheart was a terrible king, don’t believe the propaganda.)

          • @uriel238
            24 months ago

            Wasn’t John forced at swordpoint to sign the Magna Carta… several times, rather, after betraying the previous version, each time expending more lives of his loyalists?

            Richard was awful, yes, but John is conspicuously first and last of his name, which, for my point, screams Don’t be that guy.

            • NotHarveyElliott
              24 months ago

              Oh he wasn’t good (less terrible) for signing the Magna Carta, which wasn’t even that important at the time, but more because his competition is worse. And yeah, no one named after him, but that’s only relative to other monarchs - as in, he was bad to the royals. Failing at being a king can make you a good king, depending on how you’re judging it. Nobles thought he was a prick, but they were, so it’s like 6 of one. For example, he reformed the legal system which took power away from barons (which obviously favoured him), which was very popular with lower classes, as they could since seek justice against their barons (who were previously the ones overseeing those cases).

              My opening line was mainly a joke, I don’t like any monarchs, but the idea he was particularly bad is… contentious

    • ZILtoid1991
      34 months ago

      I loved my Vivera ink printer!😭

      If I ever get a new printer, I’ll buy some old laser printer, and refill the toners myself. I did it a few times in one of my father’s former workplace, one just needs to wear clothing they don’t need anymore, maybe some protective equipment for the dust.

    214 months ago

    That’s a nice looking report you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if you couldn’t print it…