Without going into too much detail…

  • 21
  • Dropped out of Uni (ie. I’ve started falling behind ‘the pack’)
  • Still living with my parents (have lived alone for periods)
  • Frustrated, have been repeating the same mistakes and life is currently going in a loop.
  • Not fully settled on a specific career
  • Thinking of a couple of nuclear options I could try to move things on.

I want to know if I have reason to stress or if I should just give it time and enjoy the ride. Seeing as any sort of renewed degree-pursuing will eat up another several years starting anew from square one.

Edit: Thanks for all of this life advice everyone. It is genuinely really reassuring

  • tsonfeir@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Currently in the midst of a midlife crisis, I laugh at your quarter life crisis. You have no idea what crisis is. Here’s my take:

    Edit: unintentional ‘gatekeeping.’

    Life is short. Try not to make too many dumb decisions. Stay away from hard drugs and alcohol. Try your best to find a career that you actually like doing. Understand that your mental health is important. It’s OKAY to ask for mental help—don’t wait until you’re 40 to find that out.

    Don’t worry about living with your parents. Be happy you still have them. If Uni isn’t right for you now, you can go later or not at all. If you have nuclear options… do it now. Do it while you still have a fallback plan.

    Oh and, stay out of debt. That’s how they keep you a slave. Houses and education can be exceptions, but if you don’t have the CASH to buy the THING, you don’t get the THING.

      • tsonfeir@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Gatekeeping was not the intention, but on a scale of normal to crisis, their concerns are pretty darn normal. Most people have a lot of the same feelings. I’m not sure this deserved a “Jesus bro” moment.