President Biden’s reelection campaign bashed former President Trump on Tuesday after he said he hoped the U.S. economy would crash in the next 12 months, arguing he doesn’t care about people.

“Donald Trump should just say he doesn’t give a damn about people, because that’s exactly what he’s telling the American people when he says he hopes the economy crashes. In his relentless pursuit of power and retribution, Donald Trump is rooting for a reality where millions of Americans lose their jobs and live with the crushing anxiety of figuring out how to afford basic needs,” campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez said.

Trump, in an interview with former Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs on a network launched by MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, called the economy “fragile” and said he is hoping for a crash within the year.

  • @TheAlbatross
    6 months ago

    Well of course not, he’s a US president

      • @TheAlbatross
        56 months ago

        Hey, don’t boo me, if I made the world, they wouldn’t all suck ass.

          126 months ago

          In modern history, I’m pretty big on FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, Carter, Obama, and unironically Biden. I know that he’s lost a lot of support over supporting Israel but Hamas needs to be destroyed. Not attacking them in Gaza is a mistake. What is a mistake is the shitstain Netanyahu and all of his soldiers that aren’t taking necessary precautions to prevent civilian casualties.

          • Zorque
            206 months ago

            The way to destroy Hamas isn’t through bombs, it’s through peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis. Proving that you don’t want that, by killing Palestinian civilians en masse, just fuels Hamas.

              26 months ago

              Bruh they literally just want to see Israel wiped off the face of the earth. Clinton came so fucking close to getting it done and Arafat shit on it. Fun fact, Netanyahu had just lost the election right before they came close to agreeing on a deal

                46 months ago

                Or, is it possible that, under pressure from Clinton, Barak made an intentionally shitty offer that Arafat could not accept? In any case, there’s the Arab Peace Initiative that put on the table several times a peace settlement based on the 1967 borders, which Israel never considered. Another fun fact: Israel facilitated the creation of Hamas as a way to counter Fatah and the PA, which were becoming too moderate, and too open to a deal.

                In sum, the parent commenter has it right. Israel has had plenty of opportunities for peace, but has chosen to treat Palestinians like dirt with a brutal and grinding occupation. It’s human nature that some would fight back.

                  16 months ago

                  I was aware of the second fun fact. Netanyahu needed Hamas because he never wanted a deal. But I don’t think the deal was near as shitty as we think. That would have been a hell of a lot better than whatever the fuck is happening now.

                  It’s only human nature that they gang rape women until their genitals aren’t recognizable? What Hamas did was pure terrorism and in no way a natural human reaction. Much of their motivation came from wanting to destroy Israel, not wanting to live side-by-side with it

          • Alto
            96 months ago

            At what point does it stop being “aren’t taking necessary precautions to prevent” and start becoming “active negligence to encourage”

              86 months ago

              Bibi allowed tons of funding to pass thru to Gaza. He knows what he did, is doing, and how that will play out favorably for his traitorous ass

  • AutoTL;DRB
    46 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In his relentless pursuit of power and retribution, Donald Trump is rooting for a reality where millions of Americans lose their jobs and live with the crushing anxiety of figuring out how to afford basic needs,” campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez said.

    “And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover,” Trump said in the interview that aired Monday night.

    Former President Hoover had been in office for just a few months when the stock market crashed in 1929, triggering the Great Depression.

    Other Biden aides also bashed the comments, saying they were vile and that those who were hoping the economy failed were “revealing twisted true colors.”

    Biden has hit the campaign trail with the message that his economic plan is working, arguing that the decline in inflation and low unemployment are proof of its success.

    However, his economic agenda, dubbed Bidenomics, has largely fallen flat with voters, who according to polls do not give Biden credit for the improving economy.

    The original article contains 383 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 54%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    46 months ago

    Haha he doesn’t want a crash because then he’d actually have to spend time making it look like he is doing anything for others than himself. Ane he’s fucking dumb as rocks. Lol.

    26 months ago

    “Trump, in an interview with former Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs on a network launched by MyPillow founder Mike Lindell…”

    I swear I want to scream when I read about their “new news” channels… Fucking troglodyte asshats scream and cry about liberal biased media, shitty biased media, we need Truth!™©® blah blah blah, and then love themselves some literal Republican propaganda networks…

    For fucks sake the GOP should just launch a GOP network, forget lying about it, just be Republican News. The mask is already off for so much of their bullshit, just make it official. Have your centralized government propaganda network, I GUARANTEE all the right wing asshats will flock to it as long as you follow the Golden Rule: Trump is always the victim, always is the strong man, and is never wrong.

    16 months ago

    Honestly for all the criticism of Biden, when he talks about Trump’s red flags he appears very “everyman” and based. It’s been since he talked about siding with workers and the UAW that I agreed so much with him.