Curious if y’all have any tips in getting enough courage to make a phone call to set up an appointment for hrt? I got my anxiety resolved for the mostpart recently but I’m still trying to find that last bit to actually manage to make the call

    2 years ago

    Having just had my first appointment for HRT, I can tell you that I did not start right off the bat with a GAHT provider - I started with my regular old general practitioner, who - by my research and switching to her - was already very LGBTQ+ friendly.

    And then something unexpected happened: it turns out my GP studied under Dr. Jerrica Kirkley, one of the founders of Plume.

    If you have the ability to throw a $99 charge on your card, your health savings account, etc, I would absolutely recommend at least an initial consultation through Plume. You can always get another opinion/option later.