• @MimicJar@lemmy.world
      106 months ago

      The intro song takes time but if you listen to it fully and don’t just skip it you’ll find that it grows in you. Trust me it isn’t easy, but if you keep at it you’ll enjoy it. I used to be where you were, firmly in the stance that it wasn’t good, but now I’m of a different opinion.

      You could say that it’s been a long road…

    • @vzq
      46 months ago

      Right? It’s squarely in both columns for me.

      I can’t explain it. It’s the magic of Star Trek.

    • DigitalTraveler42
      36 months ago

      It’s so much better in the season that they ditch the hair metal ballad for the acoustic version.

    • Valen
      56 months ago

      I hated the decon gel. It was only there for eye candy, and really reduced how good any episode was if it was there.

      Obviously, for me. I make no claim to how anyone else felt.

  • kamenLady.
    196 months ago

    disliked: Worst last episode of any Star Trek series. Voyager was bad enough, but Enterprise …

    liked: Jeffrey Combs’ Andorian.

  • @Infynis@midwest.social
    146 months ago

    I liked seeing Captain Archer learn the lessons that would lead to the Prime Directive. Trip was a fun character, and I liked his romance with T’Pol. There were lots of good individual episodes, like the one about T’Pol having Vulcan AIDS, and Shuttlepod One. Any episode Commander Shran was in is great, especially the episode that Archer duels him. Jeffery Colms is the best. Brent Spinner was also great in his little arc. And, I legitimately liked the Xindi.

    That said, the timing of the Xindi arc, in the middle of all the real-world stuff going on, was bad, and it had a bad message. I also did not like all the sexual stuff, especially the episode in season 1 where T’Pol gets forced into Pon Farr by a virus, and tries to have sex with everyone. And then just, like, the whole last half of the last season. Mirror Universe, gross. Trip and T’Pol’s baby dying, sad. Riker’s Holodeck cameo finale, disappointing. Fuck Berman.

  • @MimicJar@lemmy.world
    146 months ago

    The momentum.

    We had 90s Trek rolling, TNG, DS9, Voyager, each one moving the world forward. Each show ends with an exciting “What’s next in the Federation”.

    Then Enterprise comes along and takes us back in time. It’s an interesting time period to explore, but not what I was looking for.

    We don’t move forward again until Picard, and that was solidly whatever and far removed from the 90s Trek momentum.

    • @krakenx@lemmy.world
      56 months ago

      You magnificently put into words why I always disliked Enterprise. By failing to continue the original continuity, I think it was basically the end of Star Trek for a lot of us.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
    126 months ago

    I actually really enjoyed the show. Theme song was on point. I liked that Archer had a dog. The Temporal Prime Directive shenanigans.

    But the thing I hated was taking all the agency from the show by making the final episode a Next Gen episode. :( Even Voyager was treated better at the end.

  • directive0
    6 months ago

    It was cool because it showed a pre-federation starfleet. Humanity is the underdog scrappy little species trying to get its feet wet in a much larger galactic community. Because starfleet did not have technical parity with other races the stakes felt much higher for each encounter than in TNG or TOS era.

    It was lame because it was ENTIRELY too horny. Also the Xindi subplot was painfully obvious as an allusion to the war on terror. It didn’t land for me.

    Overall it was a great show though. It explored lots of interesting technical details of the world of Star Trek and attempted to explain their genesis. Reed alert, the prime directive, the paradox of being a diplomatic vessel with MACOs aboard and the jurisdiction of force.

    I laughed at the show at its premiere, but by the end I was a die hard fan. They really won me over.

  • @RunningInRVA@lemmy.world
    76 months ago


    1. For whatever reason, this show will absolutely knock me out at night. If I need help sleeping, then on comes Enterprise.

    2. Jolene Blalock’s jumpsuits. What’s not to like.


    1. The whole Xindi deal was strange.
  • @knatschus@discuss.tchncs.de
    66 months ago

    When it came out i was hyped, but my interrest quickly faded away, so i haven’t watched it all.

    Like: the doc. Some episodes are very philosophycal.

    Dislike: nearly all characters are bland average american a and b on a space ship. The intro is awful. The setting. Same problems as with discovery. I love to see the progression of the trek universe those shows add none and are just forced into the already existing history.

    • @JackDark@lemmy.world
      36 months ago

      Can you elaborate on the same problems as Discovery? I have a lot of problems with both Enterprise and Discovery, but none of them overlap.

      • @knatschus@discuss.tchncs.de
        36 months ago

        The time frame, the trek universe is too dense to fit a good prequel in it.

        Suddenly there was a Archer before Pike and Kirk. Suddenly the Universe is a Fungus and warp drive isn’t that impressive anymore.

        While most Star Trek episodes stand for themself, I always loved big arcs of war and discoveries. Prequels can’t give me that and mirror universes make it even worse for me.

  • Valen
    66 months ago

    Loved any episode with Schran (Jeffrey Coombs). His chemistry with Archer was great.

  • @cyberic@discuss.tchncs.de
    56 months ago

    “The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined time travel is impossible.”

    Possibly the most annoying repeated line in TV history.