I was homeschooled previously with a small group of other children and we fart in class all the time.
Now I’m in public school for high school and no one is farting. I was very sheltered and public school is like a whole new world for me, so I don’t know what the norms are. I’ve been holding it in but my stomach hurts and it leaks out anyway.
I don’t understand how there are so many more people in high school and yet zero farts…
yeah, you dont know how to act in public. youll pick it up fast.
no farting.
So everyone’s able to hold it in? Where do they fart?
Either they hold it in, they fart silently, they go to the toilet, they do it where there’s not a lot of ppl and try to hide it, etc.
Feels very relevant lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8yhBLOAprQ
You discreetly carpet bomb the hallway between classes like a gentleman. If the smell catches up, then look around non chalantly to pretend your looking to see who farted.
Depending on the chair and how you position your butt cheeks, you can sometimes sneak out a fart silently.
The sound is not the issue. I haven’t smelled anyone farting.
only homeschooled kids farts smell. sorry.
Do you think they everybody’s flatulence smells bad or even noticeable all the time? This is not the case.
If yours is particularly bad and common enough that you’re finding it to be an issue, you may need to address your diet, and perhaps check to see if you’re lactose intolerant too, just to be on the safe side.
Ok, thank you.
Yup, 90% of mine dont smell since it’s just air I swallowed because of my cpap.
If they smell that means you need to shit. Or you have a diet brewing that all up.
Like other people said in this thread, check your diet. Make sure to eat plenty of fiber, and reduce gas-inducing food you eat. People who constipated usually fart a lot more. Also, if you have to fart, don’t do it in a room full of people. Do it outside or in the bathroom.
Fuck that. I’m not holding it.
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Try letting it out quietly then move away from the area.
You pick up tricks. Mainly farting while walking. If you get your foot placement and pivot properly you can send it out without much “pushing”. I don’t tend to try and push my farts, as I am old and I don’t trust them all.
You might be over thinking it. Everyone farts, but it’s seen as more acceptable to fart away from other people’s noses. You don’t really wanna smell someone else’s gas, do you?
LMAO skid marks
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