Any major hurdles or accomplishments this week? Or are you just keeping on?

I just remembered today that I’ve been two years sober as of June 30th. As someone who used to be so focused on drinking and ritual and celebration, it just wows me that this milestone just kind of passed me by. It was just another day I made the decision to not have a drink.

  • Rowin of
    1 year ago

    I’m 17 years without alcohol, 16 without “le drugs”, and 15 without smoking. I still have issues in my life and challenges to solve but wow, all of those would be harder and more numerous if I still behaved like I used to. I had a fairly short period of massive excess and had a few lucky moments of clarity which resulted in me quitting it all one after another. My partner and I have been together since just after I quit drinking and I am really glad they never had to see me being my worst self.

    My biggest takeaway is it really does get easier with time. The hardest times were within a short time of quitting. The longer I sustained the more ingrained the change became and now I would be stubborn and resist any sort of backslide.

  • Gormadt
    1 year ago

    Pretty good

    The week was pretty eventful given it was the 4thof July. But since I got sober 5 years ago I was able to get my PTSD mostly under control.

    So this 4th of July (much like the last 4) I didn’t spend it drunk and an emotional wreck on the verge of a panic attack.

    Getting sober was hard, but absolutely worth it.