Meta threads will open federation to the fediverse soon, and while this is mainly to mastodon it will still affect lemmy. They are acting like they won’t be evil, but let’s be real this is Facebook when have they ever done that.

This article which has been trending lately explains some of the issues.

This comment here is a simple analogy if you can’t be bothered reading the article.

    • capital
      106 months ago

      Get over yourself.

      There are tons of well-meaning people on threads who’ve never heard of mastodon, lemmy, or the fediverse.

      • Hanrahan
        12 months ago

        And ? Thats still not a reason to federate. I joined the Fediverse years ago to get away from the “well meaning people” dragging us into the pile of shit because they don’t grok that meta/twitter is cancer.

        If they’re that disinterested in why Meta/Bluesky is “cancer” then I’m not really interested in what they have to say on most subjects. Its not elitism, its the same reaosn I am not interested in what members of the Liberal Party have to say on a sinject, sure their is some sanity some times but I don’t want to have to wade through waist deep ship to find it.

      • we is doomed!
        14 months ago

        Being “well meaning” and using “a toxic billionare run platform” are incompatable. You can be one …or the other, you can’t be both.

        Ignorance isnt an excuse. Let then stay with their toxicity is all that’s being asked.

  • Spaghetti_Hitchens
    396 months ago

    Here’s my not-at-all-qualified take:

    Let the federation ride. If Threads users add meaningful content and activity, then cool.

    But the second we see a Meta ad, pull that fucking plug. We should not be distributing their ads for free (or at all).

    • Captain Janeway
      6 months ago

      Yeah but you might have it in reverse. Meta would benefit from lemmy users providing original content. It would basically suck the life out of the smaller instances and people would have no incentive to stick with apps or instances made by the little guys. If Meta started serving ads and we pulled out, it wouldn’t mean much. By then, Meta might have adopted most users - all the while stealing our content.

      ^ Super hypothetical. I’m not a federation expert. But it sounds like that could happen.

        86 months ago

        I don’t think lemmy and mastodon are big enough for meta to care about stealing our content.

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          76 months ago

          I think you’d be surprised at how few people make OC for the internet and how those brains operate. I know I’m not porting my content bot over to threads anytime soon. He’s very happy on mastodon and writes frequently.

    • Андрей Быдло
      106 months ago

      Let us have all users from Lemmy, Kbin, Mastodon and probably Tumblr, and none from Meta. Is it so damaging to exclude them? With them comes the Meta fuckery, them dictating rules. It’s better without them.

      • Paradoxvoid
        16 months ago

        Are you planning on signing up for a Meta account? Their rules won’t affect anyone who isn’t using their instance.

        • Андрей Быдло
          86 months ago

          It’s not how it works, I believe.

          We are as regulated as 4chan.

          If they get federated with other big instance, their mil+ audience wouldn’t only bring their own shenanigans, it would bring attention from regulating bodies - for one, and for two - Meta’s want for control over how fediverse is operated.

        • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
          46 months ago

          I would see it as the fediverse being like the UN and Threads being like America. The UN can say whatever they want about their rules and America will and do ignore them due to their size, influence and power.

  • Zagorath
    336 months ago

    Personally I think this is ridiculous.

    First, there’s the simple fact that Lemmy’s interaction with Threads will likely be the same relatively rare/limited interaction we currently have with Mastodon. People might show up to comment from time to time, and we’ll be able to @mention their users. But that’s about it. It’s not a serious issue for Lemmy instances to be concerned about.

    But second, I think pre-emptive defederation here, regardless of whether we’re talking about Lemmy or Mastodon instances, is ridiculous. If they start doing bad things, it is trivial to defederate at that time. If they don’t, we’re much better off letting them participate and benefit from the increased number and variety of users with whom we can interact thanks to their participation in the fediverse.

    Don’t fall for FUD when there’s an opportunity knocking.

    • AdaA
      6 months ago

      If they start doing bad things

      They knowingly house hate groups. They’ve been doing bad things since the start…

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      286 months ago

      What more does Facebook need to do to convince you they are awful for everyone but the ultra-rich capitalists?

      Are you unaware or just ignorant? They caused a fucking genocide FFS.

      176 months ago

      Outing yourself with FUD talk. There are lots of reasons to keep skepticism alive ahead of any wrongdoing, given the difference in motivations between Meta and the Fediverse.

    • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
      6 months ago

      I agree, we cannot pass up the opportunity to get more interaction, especially when there is such little harm to us. At the end of the day we can choose to defederate with threads at any time, unless you have an account on their instance they shouldn’t be able to track you, at least without exploiting a vulnerability in Lemmy or Mastodon.

      Edit: I’ve had a bit of a think and changed my mind see comment in reply to the reply to this comment

        6 months ago

        More interaction is not the same as good interaction.

        especially when there is such little harm to us

        What’s your motivation to be a Lemmy user? What keeps you here?

        I am very afraid of what a big American company can do to this community. They see everything as a stepping stone to money.

        • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
          86 months ago

          I’ve had a bit more of a think about it and read that article about XMPP again, and I’ve had a change of mind.

          Earlier I was thinking about the possibility of becoming mainstream, however, not being mainstream is probably what makes Lemmy so great. And would threads users even discover us or would they just try to suck the life out of Mastodon by talking over everyone? How would threads rank posts from Mastodon vs posts on threads?

          Furthermore, if we became mainstream we might attract the attention of government which might try to regulate us. This could make admins and mods legally responsible for the discourse in their communities which could be discouraging for instances like ours. Remember, while email isn’t regulated politicians don’t understand computers beyond basic usage, so this is probably the same thing as Facebook to them. Even if we didn’t become mainstream, mods and admins would just be slaves to Meta focussed on dealing with their large variety of users rather than trying to grow our own communities.

          Another question I’ve considered is do we even need their users? My answer to that is no. Another thing that makes Lemmy Lemmy and even more so Aussie Zone is the quality of the users. Not just anyone will join, we get people who are more passionate about the bigger picture, people who demand something better, people who aren’t afraid to try something new. Lemmy users are visionaries which is why we have such passionate arguments and why there is such a large bias towards progressive politics.

          So yeah, I think we should tell Meta they’re dreamin’ and send em back to the pavilion. Or in other words: Fuck off Meta!

            56 months ago

            It’s interesting how attractive the thought of becoming mainstream is. Bigger = better.

            mods and admins would just be slaves to Meta focussed on dealing with their large variety of users rather than trying to grow our own communities.

            I wonder if mods & admins would just be overwhelmed, or if Meta would find a way of using their effort and hours to their advantage? ie use them as a free modding force for their product (indirectly). Labour for your Lemmy instance would become labour for Meta.

            I’m surprised by your full turnaround in opinion. Some of your earlier thoughts are valid: they probably won’t be able to track you any more than they currently can (through read-only Lemmy interaction) and more interaction does have its benefits.

            I guess perhaps defederating them now vs later might come down to whether or not you see Meta as a person or a company. If a new person joins/federates then you generally don’t want to pre-judge them, even if they’ve had a bad history you hope they can stick to the rules and participate well. Alas Meta isn’t a person, they’re a bit more like a government (they’re bigger than some nations) and very single minded in their pursuits. They don’t have the ability to turn around and go “apologies that I’m hurting people, I’ll actually change my ways and start following the values of your community now”.

    306 months ago

    Meta don’t deserve any chances, I’m here to get away from that toxic bull and would much prefer it to be blocked from any instance I interact with.

      256 months ago

      So you want an alternative to closed source platforms, but you want said closed source platforms to be the biggest on the fediverse. Uuhh, yeah…

          146 months ago

          You’re missing the point, people don’t want to defederate from threads just because it would be the biggest, but also because it’s Facebook. How are people giving Facebook of all places the benefit of the doubt? This is insane. If they don’t have an alteriror motive now, they will most definitely later.

            106 months ago

            It’s pretty unbelievable isnt it? You would think this wouldn’t even be up for debate on a platform like Lemmy but some people seem desperate for growth at any cost.

              76 months ago

              As far as I recall all these huge companies weren’t excluded from these open protocols and now look at them. For instance - email, try hosting your own email server and see how quickly you will be filtered to spam on most email providers.

              A perfect example of something being embraced by huge companies, then extended, and then finally extinguished and no longer viable to do by small parties.

              Gmail even marks new Proton mail account emails as possibly “malicious”, yet does not do this for their own service.

      36 months ago

      @The Lurker

      … you must have a willingness to include those who want to be part of said platforms.

      If Marc Zuckerberg wanted to be part of a federated/distributed web, he could have done so with Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp. This is nothing more than ‘Embrace-Extend-Extingiush’ activity.

      36 months ago

      Couldn’t agree more. I fully understand that people don’t like Meta, but closing people off doesn’t make an open ecosystem, it just makes another closed one that fits a specific viewpoint.

  • umbraroze
    236 months ago

    When I last looked at the defederations of some Mastodon servers, everyone was already blocking Threads. This was a year ago. Instances running Lemmy and Kbin and like should probably do the same.

  • JokeDeity
    136 months ago

    Fully agreed, anyone who doesn’t either works for Meta or can’t see the writing on the wall about what this will do to the fediverse.

    136 months ago

    Unfortunately, as much as I like Lemmy. It’s kind of stuck in a catch-22 situation.

    The bigger it grows the more likely it is to be destroyed by “bad actors”

      236 months ago

      Imo it depends on how it grows, especially how much decentralization it can preserve.

        36 months ago

        Decentralization may be its biggest weakness. It requires too much overhead.

        What happens when 100’s of instances are stood up for the purpose of fragmenting or taking over? Or META just starts buying federated instances? The burden will fall on each individual instance owner to try and keep up. Ain’t happening.

          6 months ago

          Wtf are you talking about? Decentralization is the one thing that separates the fediverse from existing social networks. It’s the entire point of this whole endeavour. It’s even what happens in your failure scenarios, because the problem with someone taking over everything is the centralization it introduces.

  • XbSuper
    126 months ago

    I’ll be blocking it the first time it shows up on my feed anyway.

    96 months ago

    I don’t quite understand, would it be harder to defederate later, once they start becoming evil? Lemmy and Mastodon were founded to actively distance ourselves from the likes of Twitter and Reddit. We’re not here because it’s the only option we have or because we’re creating a whole new system. We’re here because we chose to and decide that we could live without relying on those big corporations. Surely, people here are more willing to give Meta the middle finger and wouldn’t mind blocking Threads if that ever happened right?

    86 months ago

    I presume this will be the case, but don’t think there’s been any official announcement yet. The majority of current servers have planned to resist by defederating.

    76 months ago

    This seems like a very important discussion but let me tell you how I came across it. It’s possible many others on Aussie Zone fall into a similar boat as mine. If not please ignore.

    I only use Voyager to interact with Lemmy regularly. Occasionally I check out Aussie Zone via a browser but that’s very rare.

    I think the ‘Default feed’ for Voyager is ‘Home’ which are the coms I’ve subbed to. I didn’t even know what ‘Local’ was until I looked it up just now (while trying to find out if Voyager can list all the coms of an instance like the coms page in a desktop browser, which I don’t think it does).

    So I was surprised not to see this discussion earlier after seeing it pop up more broadly across the lemmyverse. Turns out that’s because I never selected the Local feed to see what everyone is talking about and because I wasn’t subbed to Meta (as in the Aussie Zone com, not the company) until now.

    If my ignorance is unusual for Aussie Zone folk then please ignore this comment. If it’s possible that lots of other active or semi-active local users are not seeing this discussion is there any way to highlight it across the instance?

    • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
      66 months ago

      I’ve cross posted to Australia, locked and pinned which should get some attention from other users in your boat

    • eatham 🇭🇲OP
      56 months ago

      it can get pinned by an admin, but i dont think thats nessarcery . you should subscribe to ! if you want to see posts about the instance itself.

    • Treevan 🇦🇺
      6 months ago

      I know you’ve worked it out now but here is my own personal take.

      I’m not subscribed to any communities. I just use ‘Local’ and ‘New’ (‘New Comments’ also helps) to browse them all in one go after first looking at ‘Home’ in Voyager.

      It’s why instance shopping by interest is important for some, using ‘Local’ becomes your community. Mastodon is similar, you join an instance that is related to you and ‘Local’ becomes another browsing tool. I am on so every now and again I use ‘Local’ to find posts from Aussies that weren’t hashtagged properly (knowing full well there are other australian instances that I’m missing).

      If you were on, ‘Local’ would be waste. Too many posts.

        36 months ago

        Hey that New Comments tip is great. I think I might test out your method of not subbing local coms and using Local to check what’s happening and also subbing to fedded coms so they come up in Home. Cheers.