I was wondering if there’s a form of bottom surgery that preserves the ability to pee standing? I go hiking outdoors a lot, and the extra control is very helpful.

  • @LadyAutumnM
    141 year ago

    I havent tried one myself but there are stand to pee tools for anyone with a vagina. Bear in mind that… They’re far from perfect and the way peeing with a vagina works makes it awkward and hard to use from what I’ve heard.

    But no there is no way to preserve an “aimable urethra” while also getting vaginoplasty. Not unless you were still okay with having a penis, in which case there are surgical techniques that create a vaginal cavity but preserve the penis.

  • @laey@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Maybe it would be easier to just carry a urination device with you? Otherwise you would need to look into something like penile preservation vaginoplasty.

  • WalrusDragonOnABike
    71 year ago

    Altersex/salmacian options are a thing. Options like PPV (penile preserving vaginoplasty) should work. m/altersex only has a few posts, so r/salmacian might be a better place to look if you are interested.

    • @agnosticiansOP
      41 year ago

      My thought was if there’s some way to leave the urethra somewhere slightly more external (and aimable) while otherwise being similar to a regular vaginoplasty. I have no clue if such a thing could be done, though. This post was mostly the result of me realizing that peeing standing up is the only thing I like about my penis.