I notice programming stuff leaks into my thinking and writing often but I actually enjoy the various constructs that help clarify thinking. I don’t have any formal background in logic tho :(

What are some useful and accessible logical tools/operators/symbols that help in thinking+“pseudocode” Edit: definitely useful math/cs/logical symbols are particularly interesting

If you can, please copy/paste the actual unicode symbol or whatever

  • chumbalumber
    10 months ago

    For sure. Systems engineering is a way of trying to apply more rigid thinking to what are known as ‘wicked’ problems. There’s a whole bunch of tools that come under the discipline, but to pick one specific example, causal loop diagrams are often used to help understand why complex phenomena happen. An example:

    This shows a causal loop diagram for an energy network. The pluses indicate positive causation in the direction of the arrows, the minuses negative causation. If you were tasked with coming up with all the causes and impacts of fluctuations in energy demand, you might find it difficult to show (e.g.) positive and negative feedback loops