• @TootSweet@lemmy.world
    1308 months ago

    Fuck Biden and fuck Putin.

    (Even though I did vote for Biden in 2020 and plan to again in 2024 if he’s the Democratic nominee.)

    • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      828 months ago

      Exactly this. Fuck this lesser of two evils that I have to vote for because two party systems suck.

      But no one is loud about that because it’s obvious.

      That said, he’s done some pretty ok things in office. He’s just also done some pretty horrible things. Net net, I think it’s been mediocre.

          • @SlikPikker@lemmy.ca
            28 months ago

            Strikes, occupations and uhm very persuasive in person arguments are some of the things that have worked historically.

            Bringing a Constitution and Guillotine did work out in the end for the Danish worker’s movement of 1848, when the king conceded. A violent uprising was averted.

      • HubertManne
        188 months ago

        whats your measuring stick? mine is other presidents and by that he is near the top for me.

      • @damnthefilibuster@lemmy.world
        58 months ago

        If you think two party system suck, just don’t hope for a multiparty system. Those suck even more. You never know which idiot will end up building a coalition and coming to power.

        • HubertManne
          128 months ago

          yeah I don’t see much issue in that given the idiots we get now. At least the others have to juggle their coalition and are subject to no confidence votes and the opposition has a shadow cabinet ready to go.

          • @BrandoGil@lemmy.world
            58 months ago

            The two party system also juggles coalitions, but we know them most popularly as voting blocks in the general population or caucuses in the parties. This is one of the reasons Sinema and Manchin held so much power from '20-'22. Our caucuses and voting blocks don’t always give power to individuals, but mostly to agendas.

        • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
          38 months ago

          Could you point to an example of a multi party democracy that produced something as bad as trump? I’m not aware of any, but I’m not well versed.

      • @Beldarofremulak@lemmy.world
        128 months ago

        Everyone has to either eat poop or glass. It’s going to suck either way but one way is going to significantly suck more than the other. Guess what? There’s a vote tomorrow and if you don’t vote then you might have to eat the worst one. Do you just not vote and prove a point to your non-existent audience or vote for the lesser of two evils?

      • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Because bipartisan is about voting for the lesser evil to ruin your life. Being complacent just relinquishes to an assurance it will be the shittiest because the bigger voting population are looking for the easiest way to fuck you up. Voting is that easy way for them. They don’t even care that they will be fucked over by it too. They just can’t stand someone out there will have sex with someone they did not approve of and apparently this is more important to them than accessible healthcare or slowing climate change.

  • @generalpotato@lemmy.world
    648 months ago

    Obligatory: Fuck Biden, Fuck Putin, Fuck Netanyahu/IDF and anybody else complicit in killing innocent people and/or oppressing people.

      • Baut [she/her] auf.
        198 months ago

        “Stop murdering people”
        “Do you have any better ideas?”
        How about not murdering people?

          • Baut [she/her] auf.
            148 months ago

            That is a really aggressive comment. It undermines any points you might have.

            • @Inmate@lemmy.world
              38 months ago

              The only point I want to be complete clear about is that if you are fascist and you enter my ambit, I attack.

              I will spend the rest of my life in prison but not before taking as many as I can. My life has never been more meaningful, more oriented towards protecting life

              So yes, I will drag my enemies into the streets, as I have before, as I will again

              FASCISTS come meet your match!

                • @Inmate@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  I’m currently incarcerated but I’ll be out next week. I’m in Los Angeles. I can meet you at 4th and Wall, I will be staying in the warehouse at the 450 block and my program roomies will watch from roof with choppers. The streets will eat you up if you try anything funny. Name the date IDF war criminal. You’re too chickenshit, Israel deserves the hate

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            38 months ago

            The only street drag you do involves you wearing your mom’s panties and that floral summer dress that hangs so well on your hips.

  • @jeffw@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    TokenBoomer, are you feeling ok? You’re defending Biden, which is kinda weird

    Edit: downvoters must not know TokenBoomer lol

  • @Inmate@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Eat shit Russia we all see you. Go drown in a puddle 🖕

    A dog is better than Trump, better than Putin.

    If you can’t see that, then you are an enemy of life, and many including this one.

    I fight fascists every day.

    I’m TIRED of weakness having such a loud voice.

    I’m TIRED of our weakest showing their bellies and pussies to their would be killers and rapists on the Internet while real ass people fight in the street and in jails and in Ukraine.

    I am currently incarcerated and will be released and will fight again and again and again and again

    Fuck you weaklings, we will march over you too 😂

    More powerful than you can imagine, completely ready to die, in love with death to get things done.

    You deserve your misery, Russian.

    • Decoy321
      8 months ago

      He’s actually done some good during his term, so yes. He’s done a ton to combat climate change, reinforced many govt agencies so they can actually serve their purpose,

      Are there democratic candidates I would prefer over him? Absolutely. But this is politics, it’s all about realistic compromise. I’d rather have him than a traitorous conman spearheading a party of insurrectionists.

    • HubertManne
      388 months ago

      I do. No surprise billing, the omnibus bill, irs actually doing taxes, interest from student loan can’t go above original principal along with payments based on income along with forgiveness after 20 years. I can’t point to a president that has gotten more done that effect be personally in a beneficial way in my lifetime.

    • @FrankTheHealer@lemmy.world
      228 months ago

      Trump was liable to say or do anything. He was a complete loose canon. It was terrifying.

      Biden is boring. Boring is good. I’d rather be bored than terrified. Is he the best president ever? No. But is he better than Trump? Absolutely.

  • @Seasm0ke@lemmy.world
    198 months ago

    “Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian troll” such a shit tier DNC shill take. Next up whining about Bernie Sanders and dusting the Ruth baeder Ginsburg action figure.

  • @ramenshaman@lemmy.world
    178 months ago

    I think Biden is generally doing ok. He’s obviously not exciting or inspiring and he’s probably not handling the Israel/Palestine situation very well (though that whole situation is pretty fucked regardless and I’m not picking sides), but he’s getting a decent amount of stuff done. I wish we had a better democratic candidate and I wish there was a republican candidate who wasn’t a complete nut job. I also wish there were more than 2 viable parties and we had ranked choice voting, but here we are.

    • @te_st_user@lemm.ee
      88 months ago

      If there was a better option than “guy who weakly calls for a ceasefire” I’d love to hear it. The only other viable side is all but verbally calling for a total genocide of Palestinians in Gaza if not beyond

    • @PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world
      68 months ago

      Biden is a massive step up from Trump and honestly exceeding my admittedly low expectations, but he really dropped the ball with Israel.

      • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        Like I’ve said in other threads, I agree with you BUT people need to understand that Biden doesn’t have the political capital to stand up to Israel right now.

        We’re on the brink of sliding back into Trump and who knows how fucked up we’re going to get, so he can’t be fighting another fire.

        The US has always sucked Israel’s balls, so Biden is just not rocking the boat.

        I know it sucks, but our shitty political system and the fact that the half the population has brain damage means, he has to tread very very carefully.

        If he blows his little wad on Israel and Trump wins because of it, EVERYONE will be fucked around the world, including Palestine.

        I know we all wish Biden could be the shining liberal giga Chad we want, but US politics allows only so much at a time. Hell, I think he’s done more than I would have hoped for and still part of his base is shitting on him for not doing enough…

  • @kttnpunk@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Uggh yall do realize almost everyone in power is bad, right? It really isn’t that hard. There’s only a little bit of nuance here. Maybe Putin’s made it a little higher up on the human garbage tier list but so what?

    • HubertManne
      368 months ago

      sorry nope. not being perfect is not the same as being horrifically bad.

      • @kttnpunk@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        “not perfect” is what I’d call the best democrats personally. On a good day. Joe Biden is enabling genocide, building Trump’s wall, and letting republicans attempt to legislate people like me out of existence -plus he’s been shitting the bed on covid-19 since day one. I do NOT think he falls into that category being as he’s a self-proclaimed centrist and capitalist and I think he deserves FAR greater scrutiny considering he stole the democratic nomination in 2020 from the massively-more-popular-among-constituents Sanders and moved the goalposts for the party further right, and maybe even the whole country

        • HubertManne
          88 months ago

          what historical president would have instead of him during this time? It has to have been an existing president. Not an ideal figure in your head or someone who has never had the job so it can’t be proven how bad they would actually have been.

            • HubertManne
              58 months ago

              Im saying you paint a good picture of biden but what former president would you rather have lived under the last years?

              • @MisterScruffy@lemmy.ml
                38 months ago

                If your point is that all of our options are pro imperial warmongers then I agree. If you can’t accept criticism of the person your voting for then you’re just like the maga people

                • HubertManne
                  28 months ago

                  Im saying that comparing to some fictional idealized thing is great but I personally judge them by their peers and this sub little chat started comparing biden to putin. A guy below has a thing about vacating society but I don’t see that as an option. So im pretty happy with the best history has given us anyway because i have had worse. Don’t get me wrong my go to comparison for our choices is that our political choice is to take it with or without lube.

                • @kttnpunk@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Yeah that’s exactly all I’m saying. “The lesser of two evils” just means you end up with evil in the driver’s seat either way. I really, really hope we see a decent third-party option this year…

                • HubertManne
                  28 months ago

                  I can see that. This is what I mean when I tell people republicans used to be different before reagan. they had actual moderates that even used the term progressive in their agendas. Thing is with ike is much of his accomplishments was just that he did not try to tear down what came before but supported it. What do you feel he did that makes him your guy?

              • @kttnpunk@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                I’m a anarchist, hero worship is gross asf to me. I’m not gonna pretend giving one person a inane amount of power would ever be a ideal situation. I think at this point I’d rather live in a cave thousands of miles underground filled with traps, poisionous gas and Some Kind Of Horrid Creature than any part of modern day america tbqh

                • HubertManne
                  18 months ago

                  I definately do not hate modern life quite that much, but I get the sentiment.

      • @kttnpunk@lemmy.world
        68 months ago

        You might find this hard to believe but I’m not either of those things, I’m a scared, depressed trans woman - follow my onlyfans and find out. I’m not criticizing the most powerful person in the world just for fun.

  • Jaytreeman
    118 months ago

    I hate Biden.

    Russia is a horrible place for LGBT people and general dissenters. The draft and war has been disastrous for the economy. Russia having any clout internationally is mind boggling.

    I hate Biden.