I’ll start. Apt next door is having a cockroach infected. 4 days ago, I was playing sims on my laptop, wearing my eyeglasses. Right lens got blurry, took off, huge cockroach was crawling across inside of lens. While I was wearing them. Freak out ensued.

  • @confluence@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Was gifted a lightly used Keurig machine. Partner started noticing little roaches everywhere in the kitchen. She was halfway through a cup of coffee when she opened the water reservoir and spotted a few floating in the water. I opened the machine and the machine was full of them.

    Roaches can lay up to 32 eggs/week, and I think a roach mom had at least one good week in the Keurig.

    Friend had said he didn’t want it because it was attracting roaches. He claims to not have known it was carrying them.

  • Computerchairgeneral
    158 months ago

    I was laying in bed and trying to get to sleep. I kept hearing this tapping, or scuttling, noise coming from somewhere in my room, but I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Decided it was just old house noises and tried to ignore it. Then something fell from the ceiling and landed on my face. Shouted, slapped at my face, and heard something fall on the floor. Flipped on the light and saw the roach trying to scurry away. Hit it with a book until it was dead. Maybe not the most horrifying, but it was one of the worst experience I’ve had with a roach, so far at least.

    • Shambling Shapes
      78 months ago

      I’m sorry, I’m going to one up you. Look away now if squeamish.

      I woke up with one climbing into my ear. I ran to the bathroom, bashing into furniture and walls because feeling it wriggle around in my ear threw my sense of balance off so badly. And also, you know, panic. I jumped into the bathtub fully clothed, dropped to hands and knees to put my head under the faucet, and turned the water on full force to flush it out.

      This was during college years, during a gap between semesters and I didn’t have an apartment. I was couch surfing at a friends. After that night, I left and lived in my car for a couple of days instead. There was no way I would be able to fall asleep again in that place.

  • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
    8 months ago

    A few years ago my partner and I lived in a slumlord-owned apartment above a crack dealer. We had a storage unit in the basement. For some reason, the only light switch was at the end of a really long and creepy hallway.

    When a hurricane hit the area, the whole neighborhood flooded horrifically. The sewers were backed up with trash so nothing drained. There were cars floating down the street. The basement oozed with mildewy dampness for the next few days.

    Let me ask you a question. Have you ever watched Cloverfield? Do you know that scene where they go down into the subways and turn on the camera’s night vision, only to see a wave of alien creatures rushing at them?

    Well, the next time we went down into the basement was exactly like that. That moment felt like a Lovecraftian nightmare as we ran past at least a dozen cockroaches crawling on the cold concrete walls, each one the size of my palm, all lit by the glow of our phone flashlights. Their antennae were like toothpicks. These were the single largest roaches I had ever seen. It was unreal. I have had nightmares about that moment.

    Never again.

  • Zerlyna
    8 months ago

    I was 7’ish, living in Florida and spotted something shiny in my black bean bag. Reached down, grabbed it with my hand then screamed as it wiggled its way out. I am almost 50 and still traumatized by it. Mind you this is ginormous Florida cockroach /palmetto bug bigger than my child size hand.

    • @AcornCarnage@lemmy.world
      48 months ago

      I was going to reply to OP with “They aren’t cockroaches, they’re palmetto bugs.”

      Like, I absolutely get that these things exist and will be a part of life in Florida. But when we’re staying in your fancy hotel and complain about the bugs scurrying away from the light in the bathroom, you have to do a little better than argue semantics with me.

  • @dotslashme@infosec.pub
    148 months ago

    First time in Singapore I saw a cockroach sitting on the floor, I went to kill it and then discovered there are flying roaches. Hilariousness of course ensued as a fled out of the apartment, screaming like a terrified little boy.

  • @TastehWaffleZ@lemmy.world
    138 months ago

    I stayed in an apartment that was infested with roaches and they followed us when we moved out. They started to try and establish a colony in the new house we were renting but we waged a war on them. We bombed the house with bug spray, foggers, and diatomaceous earth but it was still a struggle getting rid of them all. At one point my computer was getting dusty so I decided to clean it out when I noticed that a pregnant roach had kamikaze’d head first through a case fan. Her upper body was completely torn to shreds but she had managed to make it inside and laid her egg which hatched and dozens of babies lived in my computer. I was equal parts horrified and impressed.

  • @Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
    118 months ago

    Spending a night by myself in one of mexico’s shitiest hotel. Wake up in the middle of the night because weird noise. Hundreds of cockroach on the wall, inches from the bed. Leave lights on. Cant sleep for the rest of the night so start to write a story about me meeting and becoming friend with a french cockroach that got lost in Mexico.

  • @snippyfulcrum@lemmy.world
    98 months ago

    I used to work for a computer repair place long, long ago and I was on the laptop repair line.

    I went to unscrew a laptop but for some reason my screwdriver wasn’t catching the screw… a coworker took the screwdriver and put more force into and there was sickening crunch that wasn’t hardware…

    He removed the screw along with an impaled dead baby cockroach…

    But this isn’t the end. Oh no.

    When that screw came out with its buddy they had friends.

    A lot of friends.

    Flooding out of that tiny screwhole like something from a god damn horror movie.

    We bagged that up and sent it back to the customer. It did not get repaired that day to say the least.

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    98 months ago

    Cockroaches exist. Sometimes I see them. That’s horrific enough for me.

    Unfortunately, I had one crawl on me while I was driving a few nights ago.

    Fuck. That. Shit. Forever.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    88 months ago

    One of my closest friends, whom I often shared a roof with, loves insects. One day she found a cockroach and decided to make friends with it and give it its own area. Convincing her to get rid of it required jumping through tedious mental hoops on the basis that “a cockroach never killed anyone” and “he has as much a right to stay in the house if he follows the rules”. His stay in the house ended just short of her successfully teaching him to do tricks. Thank god.

  • @terminhell@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    88 months ago

    Worked at Office Depot back in ~2012-2014. Was the lead tech, and was the primary hardware fix guy. Had a guy bring in this old dell clamshell case PC with an xp sticker. It and him already smelled…off. After discussing some issues (no power) and finishing the paperwork, I cracked it open. They came spilling out. Dead, alive, and various sized. All the droppings too. It was one of the first machines I refused to work on. The guy had no choice but to leave with it. Didn’t really say much after that.

    The only other PC that came close to that were those of chain smokers. Where the tar buildup was actually sticky to the touch, coating everything, outside and in.

    • @Pantherina@feddit.de
      28 months ago

      Crazy how these loungs look like. Its so disgusting, and its not even like peanut butter, that tar is actually carcinogenic

      • @terminhell@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        38 months ago

        Yup. After my first tar PC, I refused them going forward.

        Also, the cheap incenses (the ones that light instantly) can cause a similar scenario. I guess the moral here, clean your computers!

  • Corroded
    78 months ago

    When I discovered my old apartment had cockroaches I was very high and just saw a small blurr out of the corner of my eye. Not exactly a horror but it was camouflaged against my hardwood floor and I spent the rest of the night ripping away furniture from my walls trying to find it.

  • @RBWells@lemmy.world
    78 months ago

    Ok. First off, the precipitous decline of insect populations scares me more than any other climate related catastrophe, but oh my God if I never again see a mating swarm of palmetto bugs, it will be too soon. That is something that hopelessly scarred me for life.

    • livus
      28 months ago

      Yeah most of the cockroach species in my part of the world are harmless beings who just want to process dead wood for us and don’t actually live in the house.

      When American cockroaches turn up and fly around that scares me though.

  • @TheyHaveNoName@beehaw.org
    78 months ago

    Two horror stories - I’ll write them as two separate posts

    Story one: we had a mouse in our house once. My mum is petrified of mice so we were told to buy an old fashioned mouse trap with a spring trap. We put it in an area where the mouse was seen and went to sleep. We heard the trap go in the middle of the night so thought our troubles were over. Next morning we checked the trap and under the spring was a HUGE cockroach. Not the size of a mouse but bloody close. So my brother takes the trap, pull open the spring to throw the cockroach away and the damn thing is still alive. It dropped out of the trap and just scurried away under a cabinet. I’m not sure if it survived or not but that thing had no right to be alive after getting caught full force by a mouse trap.