Right now there is a loneliness epidemic throughout the world. More and more people aren’t entering relationships. Gen Z men are having significant trouble dating while there are some economic factors in the mix. From my own view and experiences combined with what I’ve read most Gen Z men are lack the social and communication skills to even enter a relationship. This has and in the future will lead to extreme issues. There’s already been a marked rise in hostility towards women by young men (think Andrew Tate and his ilk) that’s likely born out of this frustration. I would definitely say there’s been a rise in gender hostility ever since the pandemic.

Back in the 50s there was arranged marriages. All a person had to do was just show but now that’s gone because it was an unequal system and I think society missed its chance to establish something much healthier and better in its wake. Now we have people that are unable to connect with each other. We just toss people blindly into the mess that is human interaction and relationships and no one knows what to do anymore. We could be have the most fulfilling relationships humans have ever had. Think of the amount of people who would of never have entered abusive relationships had there been someone around them that showed them what love exactly is.

The way we teach is so heavily focused on teaching people how to be worker drones that we forget the human part of the person. This is why a lot of people who do extreme well in school and college fare so poorly in relationships and have higher rates of depression. We are the most educated and advanced in human history, we know psychology, we can teach this shit rather than tossing people blindly into the meat grinder.

  • seaQueue@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Can we just restate this as: “A lot of society’s problems could be avoided if parents actually put in effort to parent their children” ?

      • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
        11 months ago

        Through easy access to education, societal support, and a safety net.

        There are many parents out there who were able to break the cycle of trauma and raise children in positive environments. But almost every single one of them talks about how they had the privilege of the support of friends, therapists, teachers, obs/gyn doctors, whatever, to help break the patterns

        There’s a reason “It takes a village to raise a child” is an idea that is prevalent across so many cultures. The concept of the nuclear family was a tool to sell more real estate, and we are seeing the consequences of that societal shift today.

    • TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      No amount of reasonable legislation can force parents to teach this stuff. Doing it through schools is infinitely easier.

      • Zorque@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        It also helps provide a social standard that anyone can relate to. Seems weird to demand that parents should be the ones solely responsible to make sure their children are able to socialize properly. That just means they’re main reference for socializing is just their parents.

    • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I think it’s not just that. I think part of it is overparenting. Part of these skills can only come from trying to practice these skills

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Fwiw we are learning more and more that most of what makes an adult isn’t nurture at all. It’s almost all nature.

      Helicopter or hands-off parenting? The choice won’t impact a kid as much as you think. August 11, 20239:23 AM


      Also, great parents still end up with perfectly shit children all the time.

      People online just love playing the blame game on others for an individuals actions though lmfao. Poor upbringing, neglect, trauma, all of that is only one part of explaining someone’s actions. It doesn’t remove the responsibility and free will of the person commiting them lol.


    • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
      11 months ago

      The influence of parenting is extremely overestimated. I think that is also a symptom of a society where people are reluctant to take on responsibility for themselves. Which is also a reason why people lack community because both (responsibility for oneself and functioning relationships) rely on introspection.

  • bleistift2@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    I would like to see people educated how to argue without getting personal. And how to communicate that you aren’t in a mood to argue right now, because you’re angry and wouldn’t listen.

  • TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
    11 months ago
    • What healthy boundaries look like
    • The importance of your own interests/activities/time
    • How to survive limerence/infatuation without sacrificing yourself
    • How to manage emotional responses without just tanking damage
    • How to express anger without getting nasty/toxic
    • How to recognise NPD / BPD before getting entangled
    • dewritoninja@pawb.social
      11 months ago

      Maybe not demonizing bpd. Bpd is treatable and people with bpd already suffer a lot of stigma and psychological pain. They don’t act insane just to hurt you or because it brings them pleasure

      • PawjamaParty@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        As a person who has their BPD under control so well that my psychologist doesn’t feel fully comfortable diagnosing me with it anymore, seeing stuff about how be need to be avoided still hurts, a lot. I’ve put in the work, I’ve never missed an appointment with my current psychologist, I do my best to keep myself stable, and to not hurt others or myself, but I feel like I can never escape this diagnosis. I feel obligated to tell any romantic partners that I have BPD, only for it to be used against me. No matter what I do, I’ll always be branded by this, even if I haven’t exhibited symptoms for years. I feel like I’ll either have to lie to people, or tell them truth and walk on eggshells, afraid that any negative emotion will make them think I’m insane, abusive, or crazy. I just want to live a healthy and happy life.

      • TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Yeah, lived through the first 25 years of my life subject to rampant unchecked cluster-B abuse, and nobody even told me things weren’t meant to be that way.

        I don’t give two shits about intent, the impact is the same regardless. Like an overly curious bear or something.

        See it, recognise it, walk in the opposite fucking direction. And if it follows you, you scream and throw rocks.

      • TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Yeap. I mean, you’d utterly break people’s brains but dammit.

        Imagine a world where you’re only ever allowed to have one friend at a time, and anything else was actually considered justification for murder.

        I don’t really understand humans.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I would add introspection and the experience in calmly process criticism (and that doesn’t mean always take it in, depending on the source and quality it sometimes is best ignored) to it.

      It’s my impression that a lot of interpersonal problems derive from one or both of the parties not being mature as adults: sure, they have the age to be adults (sometimes even seniors) but they’re don’t have the maturity.

    • jasondj@ttrpg.network
      11 months ago

      I would change the last point to being aware of the mental health of yourself and those close to you.

      Talking about mental health in general is so damn stigmatized but I think if more people were aware of how to identify your everyday mental health concerns (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, mania, OCD, etc) and spoke more openly about our issues and our treatments, we’d be able to build better social support networks.

      In fact, you could probably fold a few of your points into that.

      • TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Hurt people hurt people, as they say - and that cuts both ways. Yes, you should be kind and supportive if you can, but you aren’t obliged to put yourself at risk in order to do so.

        Malignant narcissists cause significant, ongoing harm to those they get their hooks into. They may have a terribly sad backstory and lead unpleasant lives, but that doesn’t help the victims any.

        BPD abusers tend to be less evil-karen on the surface, but their need for ongong validation is just as intense, and they will harm people just as ruthlessly in order to maintain their supply.

        I don’t think it’s unreasonable to point out some red flags to let people steer clear of that risk.

  • Icaria@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    This isn’t just an issue in terms of romantic relationships, or gender-specific.

    We used to all be exposed to the same media and had common points of reference and interest. It was called water cooler discussion. Unless you’re into sports, this doesn’t really exist any more.

    We used to share a more common set of customs. Schools used to have etiquette/finishing classes. Was a lot of it ultimately arbitrary and made up? Of course, but we were all taught the same things, and they became a common language. You knew to take off your hat/glasses when talking to me to show a level of courtesy and respect, and I knew you were showing respect when you did that. This also worked in terms of things like knowing when to adopt a formal tone with others… many people don’t have a formal tone any more, let alone know how to use it.

    Everyday life thrust us into more social interaction, too. You used to have to go to stores, talk to people. Even public transport and public spaces used to be a social experience before everyone buried themselves in their mobile phones and headphones. Now the majority of people left trying to interact with you in public are weirdos or trying to sell you something, so people assume anyone approaching you in public is a weirdo or trying to sell you something, suddenly it is taboo to even try to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

    And modern outlets like social media encourage some of our worst tendencies. Everything escalates into outrage, tribal warfare, makes us really bad at self-moderation and letting things go.

    The-way-things-were was never ideal for a minority of people, but the way things are is ideal for no one. I strongly believe even the innovations that are supposed to help a lot of minorities are hurting them to a degree, too. I fit into a couple of those minority categories myself, and have to force myself to go outside, to use manned checkouts, to put away my phone when outside, as while the alternatives may be easier in the short-term, in the long-term they are making me both physically and mentally less-resiliant.

    • Pantherina@feddit.de
      11 months ago

      Yeah, go out and meet random people. Trains are great, as everyone it out of their comfort zone and bored.

      Apart from that its pretty hard, because literally staying at home on a single spot, looking in a single direction, seems so fulfilling. Its pretty crazy actually, in the 70s or so nobody would have just sat there and done nothing, even with TVs that was harder and more social.

      • griefreeze@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I think these comments do make good points, but I think you’re romanticizing the past a bit. Just because people didn’t have computers/cell phones I can assure you plenty of people in the 70s were “doing nothing” in similar ways.

  • Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Things I wish they’d teach kids:

    • Yoga (one of my niece’s school teaches them basic yoga)

    • breathing / meditation

    • conflict resolution

    • critical thinking skills / logic

    • relationship skills eg knowing your self-worth, knowing how and when to say no, knowing about your own body and that it’s inviolable. If my youngest niece doesn’t want to give me a hug goodbye and her mum says “go on give your uncle a hug” I always make a point of saying it’s fine, she doesn’t have to hug anyone she doesn’t want to

      • HorseWithNoName@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I would add: teaching that romantic relationships are not the end all and be all of life.

        I feel like this is part of the problem, because it creates misogyny, incels and depression when people have their entire self-worth wrapped up in another person liking them. Any person. All of our media pushes this message, especially to young people. I was a serial monogamist all my life until several years ago. I’ve been more productive and accomplished and more in touch with who I am than I’ve ever been. I don’t have the need fpr another person in my life, and that’s how it should be. A partner should be an addition to a person and a life that is already functional. I can’t help but notice now how every. single. song, movie, show, book, etc. is not just about romance, but about another person making someone’s life worth living. It’s fucked up and we need to teach kids that they are enough, by themselves, and that being in a relationship is a choice. It’s not mandatory.

      • Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Some ex ellent additions! Seeing as we’re all now well aware of each others’ religions, maybe they can replace the pointless RE (religious education in UK) class with a ‘Life Skills’ class.

    • mars
      11 months ago

      In a lot of the California schools I’ve worked at, they do teach these things. I think they are really great skills that I wish were taught when I was in school.

      Unfortunately there’s a lot of conservative push back and a movement to get these topics out of school.

    • Striker@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago

      Yup. We wonder why young people are committing suicide more often when their entire self worth is based on how good they do in school. You combine that with late stage capitalism necessitating two parents working meaning the child might not even see them that much. More kids are neglected with their grades being the only source of validation. It would help so much of them being taught how to love themselves.

    • HubertManne@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      yeah I could not believe how late I was exposed to logic and that I would not have been exposed without college and it needs no high level math or anything to learn. I also wish the time spent in gym was actually useful. any martial art would do to me as well but yoga or tai chi would prevent issues around learining fighting. breathing and meditation should really come from any of that if done decently.

      • Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        It’s quite scary to think that not only are kids not being taught logic, but many are being taught anti-logic; magical thinking etc. It blows my mind that right wingers screech about ‘grooming’ and indoctrination while they’re teaching their kids divisive skybeardguy nonsense. Literally grooming them to be religious.

        Imo this is why they pushback and create false equivalence, because they know they’re losing their sad little foothold. Notice how whoever is downvoting comments in this thread has nothing to say.

    • snooggums@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      Other than the yoga, my child’s public school in Kansas does teach about all of those things. Like we have had conversations about them over the last few years, especially about being able to say no to hugs and other personal contact.

  • centof@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Relationships are discouraged through school, in favor of competition, so we can be more effectively exploited by the elites (and all hierarchical societies). That is by design. Healthy individuals with good relationships are harder to sell to and to exploit. It’s relatively hard to convince someone who is satisfied with their life and image to buy something. It’s a lot easier to convince them to instead seek emotional satisfaction through excessive buying (escapism). Each new item (or service) you get can temporarily fill the emotional void and provide a fleeting sense of excitement or comfort.

    • SendMePhotos@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I think that you’re giving them way too much credit. I’d call it a favorable coincidence (for them) but not by design.

      • Illiterate Domine@infosec.pub
        11 months ago

        That tends to be how things develop when you’re talking about systems. There’s not a cackling Bad Guy engineering these things, but a system of socioeconomic carrots and sticks that, right now, favor exploitation. Schools and education happen within that incentive structure so its natural that they would take on it’s characteristics.

      • centof@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Yeah, you’re probably right to some degree. It may not have been fully intentional on the part of the designer.

        However, since the elites of the time controlled the government, the government would tend to favor institutions that elites think will benefit from.

  • reddig33@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Schools should formally teach a lot of basic life skills these days like budgeting, manners, cooking, hygiene, sex ed — because a lot of parents aren’t doing this anymore.

  • Pantherina@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    As you are talking a lot about men, I would say we need to talk about toxic masculinity. Which means basically antisocial, competetive, emotion-suppressing, “talk about things instead of feelings” traits.

    Which also is a huge thing capitalism feeds. Noone gets admired for having a healthy relationship with their parents or a few very good friends, but for damn shoes or minicomputers with glass, cameras and sensors everywhere, nobody knew they needed a few decades ago.

    So capitalism with ads everywhere and consumerism instead of real values is a huge factor.

    If you dont have your own TV, you have to share. No own books, you need to go to the library. No own car, you share it with others.

    This is so “uncomfortable”, while it would make people meet lots of new friends. I always make nice accquaintances in the train.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Which also is a huge thing capitalism feeds

      And you were off to such a good start, too. If only this didn’t predate capitalism by several thousand years :(

      It turns out even in a perfectly egalitarian society people will still compete for mates, and where teaching malea how to compete for mates gets filtered through idiocy, you end up with toxic masculinity.

      Hell, if you’re being totally reductionist (and if you get to be, everyone gets to be), then you’re likely to experience more support for toxic traits in both men and women in an egalitarian society, because social differentiation becomes even more important.

      • Pinklink@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        They are not being reductionist, not to the degree you are claiming. It’s true it’s more complicated than “capitalism bad!” but you are talking on the other extreme of the spectrum and you are also wrong. Capitalism absolutely encourages and instills messages of “having things and showing disposable income means you are higher class”.

        • SCB@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Capitalism absolutely encourages and instills messages of “having things and showing disposable income means you are higher class”

          This is not by any means unique to capitalism.

          There will always be markers of social standing, even in a completely post-scarcity Trek-communist utopia.

          Blaming an aspect of human nature on an economic system is silly.

          • Pantherina@feddit.de
            11 months ago

            Capitalism needs companies to grow. But there is no need for any products most produce. So they use ads and all other toxic methods, abusing the antisocial group dynamics etc. with being bullied for damn shoes… just to sell products.

            Capitalism bad.

    • ElleChaise@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      What do you think a shotgun wedding is? We definitely did, and still do have arranged and forced marriages in the US. Probably moreso now that child brides are making a comeback, thanks to the loss of abortion rights. Thanks, Republicans.

  • ipkpjersi@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    We just toss people blindly into the mess that is human interaction and relationships and no one knows what to do anymore.

    I mean, to be fair, that’s kind of always been the case to some extent. Not that it’s an excuse or a good thing to have, of course.

    It is true that schools don’t teach many or any life skills, and it’s unfortunate. Schools should also teach budgeting and real day-to-day life stuff but they just don’t.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      This is the closest to correct answer.

      The real issue here is that school is a series of trade-offs, and the local community gets a say. When programs are cut, or content doesn’t match your expectations, people like to blame something big - “it’s the Republicans,” or “it’s the gays” - and in reality it’s just your neighbors prioritize different things than you do.

      My school had an entire personal finance class. We learned about compounding interest in math, but some kids really learned it for the first time in PF. They’d learned the math 3 years earlier but didn’t care because “it’s just math.”

      The community believed the lie that schools did not teach budgeting, when schools taught all the building blocks of how to budget, and kids couldn’t put it together without the set course.

      So, they prioritized that course - and the trade-off was that we lost other courses, because there is only so much money and time.

  • MustrumR@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    most Gen Z men are lack the social and communication skills to even enter a relationship

    Interesting choice of words. I’d say it borders misandry.

    I don’t think that decrease in social skills of the younger generation influenced solely boys.

    That being said it’s definitely a greater issue for them, since they are expected to initiate and organize almost everything in the initial phase of relationship. Maybe that’s what you meant.

    What I’ve seen (in admittably limited experience) is a decrease of skills all over the board combined with lack of patience and will to improve together.

    • Striker@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago

      Not true. Its never been as bad as 63% not in relationships and 15% having no close friendships. Its clearly an issue that has gotten worse evertime. Why do you think this period of time is known as the loneliness epidemic.

      • people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org
        11 months ago

        A vast majority of the non-Western world doesn’t see juvenile relationships as conventional or even a good thing. In fact, youngsters fooling around with the opposite sex without parental consent is straight-up delinquent behaviour in almost the entirety of the Middle-East and Asia. What you call “bad” is rather ideal for the better half of the world.

        • pixeltree
          11 months ago

          The middle east isn’t exactly a shining example of healthy gender relations

          • people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org
            11 months ago

            And Europe and USA are? With over 45% divorce rates?

            Not defending ME gender cultures in any way, I know they are fucked. But putting the western ultra-individualist dating convention as the standard is a hieght of ignorance. Almost all Asian cultures have existed without delinquent dating being the norm for centuries, and in no way are they any lesser than Western cultures.

        • Striker@lemmy.worldOP
          11 months ago

          You mean in the middle east where women are basically seen as property in most of those countries. Literally not able to leave the house without a chaperone. Or you mean Asian countries like South Korea which is facing the same issues to such an extent that incel like public policies are bring implemented or Japan which again is facing literally the exact same problems.

  • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    I think people focus way too much on romantic relationships. And many seem to see them as their lazy ticket out of loneliness.

    If you want to improve social skills and alleviate loneliness people have to start and grow healthy communities, friendships and family bonds.

    Capitalist thinking has reached interpersonal relationships. Instead of seeking community, people focus on how to optimise their dating market strategies and such. That’s pretty fucked up.

    I think that’s also the reason why people lack interpersonal bonds. Investing into communities, friendships, relationships doesn’t fit into a world that is focused on linear progress and material gain. Applying this type of thinking (success, optimization, comparison, …) seems to lead mostly to resentment.

    But community is not something you can teach, I think. You can facilitate it by providing opportunities for community building. Like the so called third place and enough time for people to get together casually.

    Ultimately it’s something we inherit from generations before, though. And we only stray ever further from it. It’s in our hands now to do it in our lifes, online and in our neighborhoods etc.

    • Im_Randy_Butter_Nubs@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      This is deliberate in my mind. They don’t want educated, financially literate workers. They want workers that will generate debt and spend money on stuff they don’t need, so they can never get out of their minimum wage jobs.

    • Pantherina@feddit.de
      11 months ago

      Interpersonal skills + money?

      I dont get it, if it isnt some veeery philosophical course about values and stuff