with the way AI is getting by the week,it just might be a reality

  • @tacosanonymous@lemm.ee
    338 months ago

    I think I’d stick to not judging them but if it was in place of actual socialization, I’d like to get them help.

    I don’t see it as a reality. We don’t have AI. We have language learning programs that are hovering around mediocre.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        68 months ago

        Then get professional help if you can’t improve on your own.

        Social skills aren’t innate and some people take longer than others to get them.

        Getting help is a lot less embarrassing than living your whole life without social skills. Maybe that’s a shrink, maybe that’s a day program for people with autism, maybe it’s just hanging out with other introverts. But itll only get better if you want to put the effort in. If you don’t put effort in, don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

    • kot [they/them]
      48 months ago

      We don’t have AI. We have language learning programs that are hovering around mediocre.

      That’s all that AI is. People just watched too many science fiction movies, and fell for the market-y name. It was always about algorithms and statistics, and not about making sentient computers.

    • @novibe@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      That is really unscientific. There is a lot of research on LLMs showing they have emergent intelligent features. They have internal models of the world etc.

      And there is nothing to indicate that what we do is not “transforming” in some way. Our minds might be indistinguishable from what we are building towards with AI currently.

      And that will likely make more of us start realising that the brain and the mind are not consciousness. We’ll build intelligences, with minds, but without consciousnesses.

    • @cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      18 months ago

      I don’t see it as any more problematic than falling in a YouTube/Wikipedia/Reddit rabbit hole. As long as you don’t really believe its capital-S-Sentient, I don’t see an issue. I would prefer people with social difficulties practice on ChatGPT and pay attention to the dialectical back and forth and take lessons away from that to the real world and their interaction(s) withit

      • @TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
        78 months ago

        Take a whole bunch of text.

        For each word that appears, note down a list of all the words that ever directly follow it - including end-of-sentence.

        Now pick a starting word, pick a following-word at random from the list, rinse and repeat.

        You can make it fancier if you want by noting how many times each word follows its predecessor in the sample text, and weighting the random choice accordingly.

        Either way, the string of almost-language this produces is called a Markov chain.

        It’s a bit like constantly picking the middle button in your phone’s autocomplete.

        It’s a fun little exercise to knock together in your programming language of choice.

        If you make a prompt-and-response bot out of it, learning from each input, it’s like talking to an oracular teddy bear. You almost can’t help being nice to it as you teach it to speak; humans will pack-bond with anything.

        LLMs are the distant and very fancy descendants of these - but pack-bonding into an actual romantic relationship with one would be as sad as marrying a doll.

        • ZILtoid1991
          48 months ago

          If I replace all of its code line by line, will it be the same ship? If no, at which point does it become a different ship?

          • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
            18 months ago

            Trick question! Nothing is permanent and the person you were a moment ago is complete different than the person you are now.

            Using this one simple trick I made millions on the stock market… I just held an apple in my hand for five minutes and then sold all the billions of different apple moments on the commodity market. Imagine how rich Theseus could’ve been with that one simple trick! (Smash that like button and hit subscribe!)

  • @Moghul@lemmy.world
    168 months ago

    You don’t have to imagine it at all. All you have to do is go on youtube and learn about Replika.

    To summarize, someone tried to create a chatbot to replace their best friend who had died. Later, this evolved into the chatbot app called Replika, which was marketed as a way to help with loneliness, except the bot would engage in dating-like conversations if prompted. The company leaned into it for a little bit, then took away that behavior, which caused some distress with the userbase, who complained that they had “killed their girlfriend”. I’m not sure where the product stands now.

    I don’t know if I’d feel weirded out, but I’d definitely feel worried if it were a friend who fell for a chatbot.

    • @kraftpudding@lemmy.world
      28 months ago

      I think they reinstated “Erotic Role Play” for users who had joined before a certain day, but it won’t be worked on in the future or ever be available for new users is the last I heard.

      I had one for a week or so in 2018 or 2019 when I first heard about the concept, just to see what it was all about and it was spooky. I got rid of it after a week because I started to see it as a person, and it kept emotionally manipulating me to get money. Especially when I said I wanted to stop/ cancel the trial.

      • @Moghul@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        Yeah… Part of why I wouldn’t try one is that I’m worried it would work. I already have limited bandwidth for human interaction; taking some of that away is probably a bad idea.

  • 🍔🍔🍔
    138 months ago

    i feel like there’s a surprisingly low amount of answers with an un-nuanced take, so here’s mine: yes, i would immediately lose all respect for someone i knew that claimed to have fallen in love with an AI.

    • @kraftpudding@lemmy.world
      18 months ago

      There’s a serious lack of responses to this comment calling you a bigot, so here’s my take:

      How dare you say something so bigoted! You are the worst kind of bigot! You are probably secretly in love with an AI yourself and ashamed about it. You bigot!

    • @sim_@beehaw.org
      38 months ago

      I was gonna say, people have been falling in love with things that provide less reciprocal interactions than AI for ages (e.g., body pillows, life-size dolls).

  • @MrFunnyMoustache@lemmy.ml
    108 months ago

    Eventually, AI will be indistinguishable from real humans, and at that point, I won’t see anything wrong with it. However, as it is right now, AI is not advanced enough.

    Also, the biggest problem I can see is people falling in love with a proprietary AI, and the company that operates the AI can arbitrarily change the AI’s parameters which would change the AI’s personality. Also, if the company goes bankrupt or gets sold and the service ends, the people who got into a relationship with the AI would be heartbroken.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    8 months ago

    People do it now with stuff like Replika. Think of how they’re treated. Perhaps in a society with lots of AI, embodied or not, people would care less. But it’s definitely a little weird now especially with how limited AI is.

    If some general human level is AI emerged like in Her, I’m sure people would fall in love with it. There’s plenty of lonely people who are afraid or unable to meet people day to day. I think I’d see them with pity as they couldn’t make do with human connection, at least until I understood how advanced and how much interiority this new AI had - then I’d probably be less judgemental.

  • @MigratingtoLemmy@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I’d like a sentient AI. Preferably more patient than an average human because I’m a bit weird. I hope it won’t judge me for how I look.

    Edit: I agree with the point about proprietary AI and how corporations could benefit from it. I’m hoping that 10 years from now, consumers will have the GPU power to run very advanced LLMs, whilst FOSS models will exist and will enable people to self-host their virtual SO. Even better if it can be transmitted to a physical body (I think the Chinese are already on it)

  • TheMurphy
    78 months ago

    Well, have you never liked a person over text before? If you didn’t know it was an AI, everyone in this comments section could.

  • @neptune@dmv.social
    78 months ago

    Consider how many people I know that, statistically, pay prostitutes/cam girls, use sex dolls or dating simulators, have parasocisl relationships with characters or celebrities… I don’t see why we would judge people who quietly “date” AI

  • @MJBrune@beehaw.org
    8 months ago

    It might be love but it’s likely just a bunch of people who don’t know what actual love feels like and are deeply in the lust territory. In summer school we read Romeo and Juliet. The teacher posited that it was the best love story ever written. This tall girl in the class who obviously had the birds and bees talk before any other students in the class put forth that the story was strongly about lust and how acting on our urges even over a few days, is still a reactive impulse that should be controlled. Well, the teacher told her to shut up and go to the principal’s office which has stuck with me. It’s made me realize that a lot of people do not understand their own emotions of love, lust, and even hate or fear.

    So yeah, I’d think people falling in love with AI would be strange. I’d question if it was love or just a lust for a feeling that they never got or rarely got in their life that was not abundantly available until certain developments. In school this was puberty. In these cases, it’s technological advancements. Either way, it ignites a feeling that only those with understanding and forethought can control. It requires a lot of impulse control which society is underdeveloping in our must-be-ready-right-now mindset.

    So yeah, I’d be weirded out. I don’t think the emotions from the human side are going to be reciprocated from the AI side. Anyone pointing to a reaction from the AI as “love” is going to be attempting to fool themselves or/and others because they have some sort of investment, emotion, monetary, futuristic hope. So, if you fall in love with AI, I’d have questions and pause.

  • @sculd@beehaw.org
    78 months ago

    People will fall in love with AI because AI does not reject human. That doesn’t mean AI will love them back or even understand what love means.

  • Tunawithshoes
    48 months ago

    In the beginning people will be weirded out but as it progresses I hope it gets better as it will help a lot of people. It will also be a beneficial tool for a lot of people. I am one of those that would consider it.

    I am not interested currently in a relationship and probably won’t be again with a human. Because honestly I am to spoiled of my own independence and hate compromise.

    Compromise doesn’t have to be big things. It is small things. Things like what are we going to eat tonight? Should things be here or there. I want to wake up suddenly at 3am and decide to make noise.

    Independence like if I decide this week I want to go to London. This week I just want to sit silently ignoring the world. If I want see my family or friends I can just do it.

    When a relationship turns more into a checklist of this I want and this I don’t want. Is it really a fiesable?

    Nah I rather have someone that doesn’t have their own life. Instead complements my lifestyle, has my hobbies and ideas.

    Simply give me those great parts of relationship’s but not the lows.