• @hungryphrog
    418 months ago

    How can my instance be fascist or even anti-communist when most people here are leftist anarchists? We’re anti-tankie, not anti-communist. Also it’s blåhaj, not blahaj.

    • GrayoxOP
      148 months ago

      Ive been called a Tankie multiple times for merely advocating for class conciousness and calling out Capitalist Hypocrisy, I also left Lemmygrad when then deleted a comment i made arguing that voting for the lesser of 2 evils is the best course of action to protect the Prolitariat in the rising wave of transphobia and bigoty in the West. The same way blahaj zone deleted my comment with hundreds of up votes under the “kick Tankies out of 196” post calling them out for being explicitly anti Tankie, while they dont even define what they mean by tankie, which can be used to define any person with communistesc ideologies. Fascism rose to power in Europe 90 years ago on the back of anticommunist rhetoric, and easily took power because Communists were the loudest voices of opposition. Not calling Blahja zone explicitly fascist, merely pointing out how anticommunist rhetoric is a rallying cry for Fascists, BECAUSE IT IS.

      • schroed4 [he/Him]
        148 months ago

        I really think it is quite unfortunate how much grad/hex tainted communism. I’m not a communist, but I was open to good discussions about it, particularly because I know it’s important to look at the flaws in your own systems.

        Now? I’m scarred. I can’t just assume a post js something posted by someone I could probably agree with after a discussion.

        I assume something similar has happened to other users. It’s unfortunately hard to grant someone the grace of assume they aren’t a tankie when you know they’re out there. I feel your pain and I’m sorry. I also don’t know how any of us can change now.

        • GrayoxOP
          68 months ago

          The far left on Lemmygrad that advocate against voting feels like an effort by bad faith actors to help Republicans win in 2024 and enact their plan to competely gut America’s representative Democracy, which isnt a conspiracy theory, there are receipts. https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=00aMWYfamDiFyfAe

        • @sharebear@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          48 months ago

          calling them out for being explicitly anti Tankie, while they dont even define what they mean by tankie, which can be used to define any person with communistesc ideologies

          You know damn well that in leftist communities “tankie” does not mean “any person with communist ideology”. You’re being disingenuous and then feigning outrage when nobody takes the bait. You don’t need a dictionary definition to understand the sentiment being expressed, and the attempt to get one is just a distraction where people start quibbling over the exact specifics instead of the overall intent, which is opposition to authoritarians and state simps.

          • schroed4 [he/Him]
            48 months ago

            I’m very confused as to how this is a reply to my comment when I didn’t write the quoted comment and this does not appear to discuss my comment lol

            • @sharebear@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              68 months ago

              …I am too. What the hell? How did I manage that.

              My b, I clearly hit the wrong ass thing at some point, didn’t mean to yell at you like that.

        • @Waker@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Same, I usually don’t really participate but I love seeing people discuss political opinions objectively and willing to learn.

          But hex\grad people were always “What do you mean [any post] isn’t political??!?! It’s clearly political because [absolutely unreasonable reason]”

          The ragebait/sea lioning was getting too much. Eventually my mailbox was full of those trolls so I just went on a different instance that had both banned and I’m a lot happier. On the downside it’s now closer to an echo chamber but I guess I’ll just browse the memes and random crap then. I can work with that…

      • HotDogFingies
        48 months ago

        I really don’t fucking get those people. Yeah, Stalin was awful, but communism isn’t. It seems like they don’t really know what they’re angry at. China? 🤷‍♀️

      • @Facebones@reddthat.com
        48 months ago

        People understand the issues of capitalism but aren’t concerned enough to give up their personal capitalist identities. Same with cars, sure cars are bad but I could never give up my FrEeDoM oF mOvEmEnT until busses go literally everywhere and I never wait more than two minutes!

      • GrayoxOP
        48 months ago

        Blahaj zone straight up feels like it is being run by Liberals.

    • @doofer_name@feddit.de
      178 months ago

      They rather seem like a tankie crybaby having a problem with 196 being anti-tankie. But yeah C- seems fair.

        • GrayoxOP
          48 months ago

          I can’t say much then, they learned how to make safe places for Fascists learning from Yanks.

              • @CatradoraSomething@lemm.ee
                28 months ago

                true you are correct, the US is worse, Krautland is just a lapdog

                can you tell me why the first two presidents of west germany were nazi party members during hitlers reign

                • @Diplomjodler@feddit.de
                  38 months ago

                  Theodor Heuss was never a member of the NSDAP. Lübke is indeed a stain on the history of post war Germany. Can you tell me why you’re not fighting in the war for the greater glory of your Great Führer Putin? Are you a coward?

  • @thepaperpilot@beehaw.org
    138 months ago

    I’m not sure I agree with the take that blahaj.zone has a facism problem. They’re explicitly anti-tankie and anti-nazi, which are the authoritarian end of the political spectrum. It’s a very left leaning space, and I think anyone in the lower left quadrant, e.g. libertarianism to anarchism and socialism to communism, would be well received.

  • Cylusthevirus
    128 months ago

    Yes, clearly the only people that don’t like commies are fascists, like all of those people who lived under nominally “communist” regimes. Weird how they developed fascism from the experience.

    • GrayoxOP
      48 months ago

      Where did I say all people that dont like Commies are Fascists? I merely stated that anticommunism is a rallying cry for fascist lmao.

  • Ranger
    118 months ago

    I think you are conflating tankie with communist. They are not the same.

    • GrayoxOP
      38 months ago

      That’s how fascist view the statement “fuck tankies” ergo it being a rallying cry for Fascists. . .

      • Ranger
        48 months ago

        While that is true, I fail to see why you think Blahaj is fascist. Saying “fuck tankies” isn’t exclusive to fascists.

  • @Facebones@reddthat.com
    108 months ago

    We’re in the middle of a new Red Scare, because whenever capitalism starts falling apart at the seams the only option to maintain power by capitalists is to instill fear about anything other than funneling more wealth upward to the 1%

    • GrayoxOP
      88 months ago

      Mfs prob think it means machine learning, doesn’t change the fact that Fascists rose to power in Europe 90 years ago on the back of anti-communist rhetoric. History doesnt always repeat, but it sure as shit rhymes.

  • southsamurai
    58 months ago

    Just a reminder

    It is possible to block users when they forget that memes should be fun.