Everyone on the internet nowadays has up/downvotes. But this seems a bit one-dimensional to me. What about left/right votes. That way if something is leftwing and seems bad I can give it a left vote and a down vote without people thinking I’m right wing. If it works, maybe you could even add in and out votes for if something sounds like it comes from someone who is part of the core user base of a sublemmy or part of the outgroup.
This seems a bit two-dimensional to me. We should add multiplicative imaginary votes. We can we can now vote in 3 dimensions, Up/Down, Imaginary/Not, and a spin counter. If it works, maybe you could even add rational/irrational for if something sounds like it comes from someone who likes analysis or someone who likes set theory.
If we’re doing this, we also need ana/kata votes.
Yes, good catch. But you need three axes of spin votes really…
Also forwardvotes and backvotes.
Maybe you could vote on the name to call each axis per post. So it could be forward/backward instead of in/out if most people wanted to vote on that
This is the best shitty feature request I’ve ever seen
😊⬆️⬅️⤴️ (hmm… maybe a parser for emoji based arrow votes)
Instances that believe in String Theory should allow 11 dimensions of voting.
Oh, you misunderstood my request. Instances shouldn’t just allow these new dimensions if voting. The software should enforce automatic defederation with any instance that does not fully implement the new voting behavior.