After upgrading lemmy and lemmy-ui to v0.18.0 on an instance of mine, I’m unable to login with one of two users on the instance.

On login attempt an alert slides up with content:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'R', "Record not found" is not valid JSON

Anyone else?

I see in lemmy server logs :

LemmyError {
  message: None,
  inner: Record not found,
  context: SpanTrace [
      target: "lemmy_api::local_user::login",
      name: "perform",
      fields: "self=Login { username_or_email: Sensitive, password: Sensitive, totp_2fa_token: None }",
      file: "crates/api/src/local_user/",
      line: 16
      target: "lemmy_server::root_span_builder",
      name: "HTTP request",
      fields: "http.method=POST http.scheme=\"https\" otel.kind=\"server\" request_id=06adb55b-6568-4435-96eb-c620904db0f6",
      file: "src/",
      line: 16

I see in postgres logs that the user is fetched

SELECT "local_user"."id", "local_user"."person_id", "local_user"."password_encrypted", "local_user"."email", "local_user"."show_nsfw", "local_user"."theme", "local_user"."default_sort_type", "local_user"."default_listing_type", "local_user"."interface_language", "local_user"."show_avatars", "local_user"."send_notifications_to_email", "local_user"."validator_time", "local_user"."show_scores", "local_user"."show_bot_accounts", "local_user"."show_read_posts", "local_user"."show_new_post_notifs", "local_user"."email_verified", "local_user"."accepted_application", "local_user"."totp_2fa_secret", "local_user"."totp_2fa_url", "person"."id", "person"."name", "person"."display_name", "person"."avatar", "person"."banned", "person"."published", "person"."updated", "person"."actor_id", "person"."bio", "person"."local", "person"."private_key", "person"."public_key", "person"."last_refreshed_at", "person"."banner", "person"."deleted", "person"."inbox_url", "person"."shared_inbox_url", "person"."matrix_user_id", "person"."admin", "person"."bot_account", "person"."ban_expires", "person"."instance_id", "person_aggregates"."id", "person_aggregates"."person_id", "person_aggregates"."post_count", "person_aggregates"."post_score", "person_aggregates"."comment_count", "person_aggregates"."comment_score"
FROM (("local_user" INNER JOIN "person" ON ("local_user"."person_id" = "person"."id")) INNER JOIN "person_aggregates" ON ("person"."id" = "person_aggregates"."person_id"))
WHERE ((lower("person"."name") = lower('MyUserName')) OR ("local_user"."email" = 'MyUserName')) LIMIT 1;

I verified that the query returns a record.

EDIT: I can login via the password reset flow. Subsequent login attempts still fails though.

EDIT 2: I’m fairly certain my issue was introduced here:

The affected account was created when registration was open and no application was necessary.

I then switched the instance to closed registration. After upgrading to v0.18.0 I saw the error above.

I toggled the site to open with application required and I was able to log in.

I toggled it back to closed…and I can still login. I’m not sure what was triggered but now I can’t repro the issue. 🤷‍♂️